Solar Eclipse will happen on 29th March 2025. Sun represents soul, will power, health and king/government in power according to vedic astrology. And solar eclipse is generally the time when health and will power are low. Solar eclipse is also the time when large scale protests and agitations against ruling government intensify. Solar eclipse also results in war sometimes. As astrologers we have observed some or other catostrophe, accidents, protests or war start or intensify around lunar or solar eclipse time. Chances of tsunami or earth quake are not ruled before or after solar eclipse this time.
Solar eclipse can negatively impact individuals who are struggling with career and health. Below are the generalized prediction of solar eclipse for twelve ascendants
Solar eclipse will happen in twelfth house which can be challenging for those living and working abroad on foreign soil. Debts and financial losses can increase stress and anxiety. Chances of losing hard earned wealth to financial scammers are not ruled out. There can be ego issues with subordinates and maternal/paternal relatives. Those in service sector can feel overburdened and overwhelmed by work pressure. Health problems related to feet like fungus or fracture as well as intestine swelling not ruled out. Arians are advised to avoid job change and any major financial risks around lunar and solar eclipse unless absolutely necessary.
Solar eclipse will happen in eleventh house which can be challenging for regular income, promotions and business profits. There can be ego issues with friends, social contacts and children. Anger and frustration can increase due to stagnant income and dip in business profits. Taurans may feel a strong urge to quit job or business which is primary source of income and seek flexible work like stock markets, online job etc. Tauruans are advised to avoid quitting primary source of income and avoid ego issues with friends and social contacts.
Solar eclipse will happen in tenth house which can be challenging for career, work-life balance and relationship with parents especially father. Geminians can feel over whelmed and over burdened by work at hand. There can be ego issues with superiors, co-workers and father. There maybe a strong urge to quit job and try a different career path. Parent's health issues can also keep native stressed and anxious. Those giving final exams may also feel stressed out by exam pressure. Geminians should avoid quitting job due to ego issues at work place.
Solar eclipse will happen in ninth house which can be challenging for spirituality, travels and higher studies. There can be ego issues with siblings, neighbors, teacher/mentors and spouse's siblings. Those studying Masters, Post Grad and foreign education aspirtants can be stressed out by work pressure. Those writing academic paper maybe worst impacted by lunar and solar eclipse. Native may start to question his long held religious views and spiritual beliefs. Travels especially long-distance travels should be avoided unless absolutely necessary around lunar and solar eclipse. Cancer natives should avoid posting controversial content on social media around two eclipses.
Solar eclipse will happen in eight house which can bring transformation, challenges and even untimely death. There can be ego issues with in-laws and family members. Those working near water bodies like ocean and river dam need to follow safety precautions and avoid actions which can risk their life. Income tax issues, problems with government officials and court cases can increase anger and frustration. There can be a strong urge to separate from spouse. Around seven planets will be travelling via eight house which can cause danger to life via accidents, injuries, drowning etc. As such Leo's are advised to be cautious. Leo's need to consult doctor immediately in case of excess diarrhea, vomitting, dehydration and any other condition where they lose excess water in body.
Solar eclipse will happen in seventh house for Virgo's which can be challenging for marriage, business and legal cases. There can be ego issues with spouse and business partners. Lunar and solar eclipse infuencing ascendant can increase anger and frustration in Virgo's. This in turn can cause Virgo's to be involved in heated arguments, using bad language and even physically assaulting others especially spouse. Important for Virgo's to practise meditation or any other remedy that helps them stay calm. Virgo's having problems in kidneys and urinary tract or blood passing in urine and stool should consult doctors immediately. Virgo's should avoid separation from spouse and business partner around lunar and solar eclipse.
Solar eclipse will happen in sixth house for Librans which can be challenging for service roles and health. There can be ego issues with subordinates, house help and with maternal/paternal relatives. Enemies and competitors can use dirty tactics which can cause setbacks for Librans. Librans can feel anger and frustration due to problems and work pressure in service role. There can be health concern related to swelling in intestine or fracture in foot around lunar and solar eclipse. Librans with severe health complications should consult doctor immediately in case of discomfort. Librans are advised to avoid anger and ego around enemies and competitors during lunar an solar eclipses.
Solar eclipse will happen in fifth house for Scorpions and can be challenging for relationship with children, stomach problems, pregnant females and stock markets. There can be ego issues with children, friends, social contacts and even politicians. Children's exams can cause unnecessary stress and anxiety for Scorpio parents. Scorpions are advised to avoid gambling, speculation and risky trades in stock markets. Scorpions should avoid any action which can bring negative fame and bad reputation to their name. Health issues possily related to stomach like abdominal abscess, GERD and acid reflux can trouble Scorpions. Pregnant females are advised to consult doctors immediately in case of water breaking or even minor complications related to pregnancy. Scorpions feeling stressed should try meditation, antidepressants and other remedies to help them stay calm.
Solar eclipse will happen in fourth house for Sagittarians which can be challenging for students in schools and colleges, those involved in real estate, farming and WFH(Work From Home). Sagittarians can lose inner peace around lunar and solar eclipse. Sagittarians should avoid buying house/flat, land or vehicles around two eclipses. Sagittarians should not let anger and frustration negatively influence relatioship with others at home and at workplace. Health issues related to chest pain, heart blockage, pain in joints and possible fracture in knees can trouble Sagittarians. Sagittarians with heart issues are advised to consult doctors immediately at slightest discomfort.
Solar eclipse will happen in third house for Capricornians which can be challenging for daily commuters, travellers, those writing dissertation and those involved in communication sector. Chances of nervous breakdown are not ruled out around lunar and solar eclipse. Capricornians who commute daily for work and those planning long-distance travels can be greatly troubled by two eclipses. Ego issues with siblings, neighbors, mentors and spouse's siblings not ruled out. Capricornians with breathing problems, lung disorders and nerve damage should consult doctor immediately at slightest discomfort. Capricornians are also advised to avoid online arguments, controversial posts and racial slurs on social media.
Solar eclipse will happen in second house for Aquarians which can be challenging for family life and savings. Those with considerable debts will see increase in frustration and anxiety. There can be ego isues with family members, in-laws and government officials. Harsh words spoken in anger and frustration can permanently damage relationship with family members. Aquarians can encounter neck pain, pain in teeth and gums and lower back pain. Those with history of anal fissures, piles and blood passing via rectum should consult doctor immediately at slighest discomfort. Aquarians are advised to avoid speaking when angry and frustrated around solar and lunar eclipse time.
Solar eclipse will happen in ascendant/first house for Pisceans which can be extremely challenging for mental health and physical well being. Solar and lunar eclipse negatively impact rational thinking capacity. As such Pisceans are advised to avoid any major decisions in March which can have long term repurcussions. Mental health will be among the worst impacted and Pisceans should try meditation, spirituality and any other remedies which helps restore peace and tranquility. Anger and frustrations can increase due to personal problems, differences in marriage and difficulties in business sector. Pisceans who suffer from brain tumors, schizophrenia, epilepsy, anger outbursts and phobias are advised to stay in touch with doctor and take medications around two eclipses.
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