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Fasting on Specific Days

     In the previous article: Science Of Fasting the scientific benefits as well as vedic and traditional beliefs for fasting were discussed. In this article the proper way for daily fasting and benefits of fasting done on ekadashi(11th Moon waxing/waning), trayodashi(13th Moon waxing/waning) and full Moon would be explained. The ancient rishis of India weren't fools to invent the art of fasting on their whims and accords. They understood the essence of daily diet and nutritional value it provided. This article just aims to touch the surface while the knowledge of diet and health runs much deep in vedic knowledge.

Fasting on Tuesdays

     For those with weak Mars or those born with Mangal Dosha are advised to fast on Tuesday's. Mars is one planet who is highly volatile. Smallest form of incitement is enough for natives with prominent Mars to start a fight.

     Those people under prominent Mars need better control of anger and emotions. That is why they are advised to consume food only once on a Tuesday with no added salt or spicy materials. The reason is salt cause irritation and blood pressure to rise thereby increasing anger. Spicy foods often cause burning and upset of stomach which acts as an oil to the raging fire that is the Mars natives. Mars natives are restless and cannot sleep or concentrate.

     They are also advised to eat only split green gram(Mung Daal) the reason being it is high in iron, fiber and protein and helps control blood pressure and cholesterol. Iron helps cure insomnia, increases hemoglobin and boosts immune system. Fiber helps clean up the digestive sytem and absorb vitamins and minerals.

Fasting on Wednesdays

     For those with a weak Mercury or Rahu fasting on Wednesday is advised. Mercury controls speech and nervous system. While Rahu brings disorder and chaos via desires.

     In both cases the neurological patterns change and to counter them a fast is observed on Wednesday and eating one time meal is prescribed. After a full day rest due to fasting the digestive systems are relaxed and able to absorb maximum nutrients of food. The most recommended food is vigna radiata(Mung Bean) primarily as it helps nourish the brain and nerves. It also aids in brain development of children and is advised to be consumed by mothers during pregnancy.

Fasting on Thursday

     Fasting on Thursday is for those who are weak in studies, have obesity problems or are too lazy. If the reason for all these is Jupiter then eating food made from split peas(Toor Dal) is recommended. Split peas is high in fiber with aids digestion, helps prevent anemia and low on carbohydrates which helps prevent obesity. Those with weak Jupiter are also advised to eat bottle gourd(lauki) and drumstick(sahijan). Bottle gourd is very effective in weight loss and treating urinary tract infections. Drumsticks are rich in calcium and help prevent lower back problems. It also contains iron and magnesium in rich quantities.

Fasting on Friday

     Fasting on Friday is for those with a weak Venus and suffer from addiction problems. On Fridays it is advised not to eat anything but jaggery(गुड) and roasted chickpeas in the evening. Roasted chickpeas cures anemia while the jaggery helps maintain the energy in the body. Non-processed jaggery would be ideal. Friday fast is all about controlling the senses by restricting your tongue to various tastes. The benefits are high when done according to traditions.

Fasting on Saturday

     A lot of people do fast on Saturdays generally cause a certain astrologer told them to do. Saturn is responsible for bone and teeth problems. Also it causes pain in joints. Oil offered to idols which when consumed helps lubricate joints. Castor oil is especially helpful as it lubricates the joints as well as intestine allowing smooth passing of the stool. Constipation is a common problem due to Saturn. Castor oil also helps remove skin and hair problems. Black urad dal is rich in calcuim which helps sort bone disorders as well as iron which helps tackle low energy often found due to problematic Saturn. Last but not the least sesame seeds poured with oil on idols have anti-ageing properties, are rich in calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc all useful for bone disorders. Sesame seed oil is great for joint problems.


     The ancient rishis were good dietitians also. Consumption of certain foods is ideal for those with a weak planet and fasting helps rest the digestive tract and remove toxins from the body.

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