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Sade-Sati A Misunderstood Concept

     There have been previously some articles on bursting myths about Sade-Sati as well as on Saturn. But some audience would like to see examples of Sade-Sati actually giving good results. So here are three famous personalities who gained a lot during Sade-Sati.

     Most people think Sade-Sati means troubles. Yes there are challenges and Sade-Sati gives nothing easy in life but Sade-Sati gives unparalleled success to those with patience, belief in hard work and faith in their potential. Below are the three famous personalities who gained fame, power and success during Sade-Sati cause they were worth it.

Narendra Modi
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modi horoscope south

     The current PM of India Shree Narendra Modi is one of most popular leaders in the world. He is an icon for his supporters while for others he is the symbol of everything they hate. Mr. Modi got a complete majority in May 2014 general elections in India when his Sade-Sati was in his first stage. He gained global prominence after November 2014 when the core stage of his Sade-Sati started.

     Sade-Sati showed glory, success and global presence to Mr. Modi. The reason is Mr. Modi had survived and grown as a leader before Sade-Sati began. It is not like Sade-Sati is easy and Saturn is testing Mr. Modi for sure. But for Mr. Modi it is the test of his character and resolve now. The important point to note is Sade-Sati gave him authority and fame. If he handles it he would go down in history as one of the best.

Mahendra Singh Dhoni
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     Mahendra Singh Dhoni is the former captain of Indian Cricket Team. In India cricket is a religion and cricketers are like Gods. Yet the cricket crazy nation of one billion hadn't seen any success in Cricket World Cup after 1983. But Mr. Dhoni led India to winning T-20 World Cup, the Champions Trophy as well as the Cricket World Cup. All of these he achieved during his Sade-Sati. As always Sade-Sati tested him cause he had inherited a team which was filled with legends but those who had habit of losing finals.

     But Dhoni with his calm attitude and smart instincts was able to turn the tide and change them into serious contenders. When the time came in the finals, he once again showed that leaders lead from the front. Sade-Sati did not give anything easy to him either as he had no form or runs going into the finals. But with courage, conviction and calmness he was able to drive India towards their first world cup in 27 long years.

Micheal Phelps
micheal phelps horoscope north
micheal phelps horoscope south

This is the Moon chart for Micheal Phelps as time of birth would be hard to find.

     He is probably the greatest athlete to compete in modern day Olympics. Very few people know he had a Sade-Sati for some part in London Olympics and he was going through prime stage of Sade-Sati in Rio Olympics. His birth time would be hard to find but it can be assumed he is born with Moon in Scorpio Sign from his date of birth based on vedic astrology. Coming into Rio Olympics he had to set the record straight that he still had the drive and dedication to compete and he did just that with five golds and one silver to his name .

     Rio Olympics was true test of his character and resolve. He had the young competitors to compete against. He had already achieved everything he had set out to get. And yet he had to prove that there was still time for one final push. He did it in an emphatic style.

Bad Times Don't Always Mean Bad Results

     This proves beyond a point that Sade-Sati doesn't always give bad results. Sade-Sati is an opportunity disguised as an obstacle. For those who are not stuck down by fear here is a golden rule for you: Saturn would definitely test your character and resolve but he would make legends out of those who have patience, calmness and determination. All you need to do is keep your calm and try to move forward in face of adversities no matter what the outcome. Saturn would surely reward you during or after Sade-Sati for your grit and determination.

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