Astro Isha

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         Traditional school of thought applies a simple technique called Saturn's paya and calculates Saturn's distance from ascendant. According to this theory Saturn's transit via first house, sixth house and eleventh house from ascendant brings good luck and prosperity so it is called golden transit(gold paya). Saturn's transit via second house, fifth house and ninth house is silver transit(silver paya) where you may not earn much but troubles stay away. Saturn's transit via third house, seventh house and tenth house is considered to be bronze transit(bronze paya) where native begets both good and bad results with more difficult results likely. Saturn's Transit via fourth house, eight house and twelfth house is called iron transit(iron paya) and spells disaster for the native. This transit brings troubles, poverty and misery in life. 

         General observation has shown this theory is less reliable. Saturn doesn't seem to care about golden, silver, bronze or iron transits. He seems to be only interested in giving fruits of your karma. In most cases he just delays or destroys the fruits associated with the horoscope house and its planetary lord's placement as well as horoscope houses where he aspects.

         In sweet and simple words Saturn's transit affects the placement house and the houses on which he aspects. That is followed by the house where the planetary lord is placed. Also there is a huge misconception that Saturn only gives bad results wherever he goes/transits. Saturn only does karma balancing. So if you have done good karma then you can expect success and happiness. If you have done bad karma then expect troubles. So do not worry too much about Saturn's transit. It is true that some troubles are possible but there is a lesson to be learned from all troubles and grow as an individual. 

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