Astro Isha

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     Heart blockages or stones in kidney, gallbladder or urine tract are not a rare case today. With advances in medical field there is absolutely no need to rely on astrology to predict these diseases. But astrology like all subjects needs new research and data to validate theories. What has been observed from study is generally Saturn is involved in blockages and association of Saturn and Mercury seems to cause stones in the body. 

     Saturn is generally feared for misery and difficulties it brings. But one of the traits of Saturn is to slow down things or narrow down chances of success. In the body it acts on the arteries, veins, intestine tubes and urine system. It blocks or narrows down these parts to cause complications. In the heart region it causes narrowing down of arteries. Eventually arteries in heart region are unable to pump blood to rest of body and so blockages and heart attack occur. Not many would notice but Saturn or Rahu in or around fourth house or aspecting the it is generally the time when heart blockages are diagnosed. Observation of a few horoscope has shown that Saturn or Rahu generally lead to heart blockages and open heart surgeries. 

     Stones in various parts of the body are quite common these days. Stones in kidney and urine tract/bladder occur mostly via calcium deposits. Saturn rules over teeth and bones which are rich in calcuim. A strong Saturn transiting or aspecting sixth house(rules over kidney) or seventh house(rules over bladder tube and bladder) increases calcium content in those areas. And Saturn is known to narrow down paths. In this case the urine path is blocked or narrowed down via stone formed of calcium deposits. A few horoscope observation does suggest that Mercury is also involved with Saturn to form stones in various parts of the body. Mercury is a planet which has excess of earth element. In other words the minerals like calcium or salts are controlled by Mercury. Saturn is known to narrow down and solidify. Saturn solidifies the salts, bile and cholesterol in gallbladder to make gallstones. It solidifies the calcium which reaches kidney via water and prevents the flushing of the calcuim parts via urine path to form a stone in kidney or urine tract/bladder. 

     Its recommended to visit a doctor in case of acute pain. After treatment its worth a try trying to see if there is any co-relation between concerned disease and planets. Get some astrologers guidance if you can't figure out co-relation yourself. But first its necessary to see a proper medical practioner and get proper treatment for the disease. 

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