Astro Isha

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     The most asked questions in astrology are generally related to marriage and career. Quite an irony considering these two subjects are driven by fate. It is human tendency to ask for happiness and satisfaction in life and that is not possible without a stable and successful career. The web based definition of career is "An occupation for a significant period of person's life with opportunities for progress". Focus is on significant period and opportunities. Unless it is for a long duration there is no stability and without stability there is no happiness or peace. Without opportunities there is no growth and without growth there are no profits or savings. 

     Tenth house and sixth house are analysed by astrologers for career. But what they should actually check is the eleventh house which is the house of gains and regular income. After all everyone is in the business of making money so why bother with tenth house and sixth house? Any connection of the eleventh house with any other planetary lords of any house would ensure profits or income in the given field. In a way it is not a bad idea to ignore sixth house and tenth house. But life's purpose is governed by the tenth house and life's debt are measured by sixth. Since income is governed by fate it is very essential to check the sixth house for person's debt or service he must undertake and tenth house to know the karma which was planned for him/her. For example if you are meant to be a doctor and to serve poor and needy then karma would drive you in a place where people are poor and needy. If you are meant to be surgeon and earn millions through operating then karma would drive you in that direction. End of the day it all depends on what fate has planned. No point running away from it whatever income you get. 

     If you are planning career in business or as top executive in an organization a strong tenth house is prerequisite. Career in service roles, as doctors or social work is governed by the sixth house. Seventh house governs contracts, business partnership and negotiations. Third house governs communication, PR(public relations), meetings and media. Fifth house governs politics, entertainment, stock markets  and theatre. Eight house governs taxes and back office work. Second house governs speech, banks and gold. Fourth house governs agriculture, cattle rearing and transport. Eleventh house governs quick gains and networking abilities. Twelfth house governs monasteries(ashrams), research and universities, jails, bedroom pleasures. Association of the concerned house with tenth house or tenth house lord suggests the likely career path of an individual. Planetary combinations also can be used to decipher the career of an individual. Mars+Mercury makes for an excellent engineer especially hardware or software engineer. Saturn+Mercury can make for a good chartered accountant. Moon+Venus is the best for entertainment business, jewelry design or cosmetics. Jupiter+Moon is ideal for setting up your own business, Share markets or teaching. Sun can make an excellent administrator or farmer. 

     If you aren't sure about the career path you must undertake than its not a bad idea to get help from an astrologer to see what stars and planets want you to do.

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