Astro Isha

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     In vedic astrology the term Purushartha means karma(work) done by an individual. It is the driving force and the foremost reason why astrology gets it wrong in terms of forecasting future of the native. Just like there are variants and pie values in mathematics, friction in physics and worst case scenarios in programming which cause fluctuations in results there is purushartha in astrology which puts all the calculations as meaningless and native achieves things which cannot be calculated at birth. This single word maligns astrology like no one yet this article is only meant to praise this nemesis called purushartha cause it is truly a great nemesis.

     Purushartha is nothing but hard work with a fixed goal and come what may attitude. The very essence of bhagvad gita can summarize purushartha like no one else can:

One cannot achieve anything without doing Karm(Purushartha). Don't try to get anything for free. No work is bereft of gains. One should never ever get depressed in life. One should not lose confidence while doing his Karma(Purushartha)."
Pandurang Athvale

     Purushartha and Prarabdha(fate) are not on collision course but run parallel and intersect at some point of the long road. So people who loathe fate and luck should not get agitated at those who believe in them and those who believe in fate and luck should understand that today's hard work is tomorrow's good luck. Some natives are born with the knowledge of what career path they need to pursue to be successful in life. Generally they are the people who taunt everyone else with early success. What they fail to realize is that fate was responsible for making them pursue the respected field and gain success. The jibes and taunt of today towards other less fortunate soul would result in future misery for sure. Similary the natives passing through difficult times are so burdened by misery that they never strive to get out of them. What they fail to realize is hard work of today would sow the seed for future success and happiness in life. Karma is a great balancer whether anyone likes it or not. Karma is working in ways which human beings cannot fathom.

     Irrelevant of success or failure its necessary to keep doing hard work. The hard work of today becomes the good fate of tomorrow.

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