Astro Isha

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About Ashvini

     Ashvini Nakshatra is the first among the 27 Nakshatras which are studied in Vedic Astrology. All the four padas of this nakshatra are located in Aries Sign. Ashvini is ruled by Ketu. Ashvini nakshatra gets its name from two vedic Gods by the name of Ashwini Kumars who are said to be the doctors among the devtas (Vedic Gods) having vast knowledge of medicines. Symbol for Ashvini Nakshatra is a horse. Ashvini rules all forms of transport especially speedy vehicles. Ashvini holds the vast knowledge of medicines and cures for ailments.

Physical Attributes

     Males born under this nakshatra have good facial expressions. Eyes are large and bright. Forehead is broad and nose is a little bigger. Females born in this nakshatra have bright but small eyes like a fish. Ashvini Females have alluring looks and magnetic personality.

Character and General Events

     Natives of Ashvini are spontaneous and like to get things done in a hurry. They have an adventurous spirit that is attracted to unknown challenges. They are competent workers who perform above average at the workplace. They are straight forward and prefer a no-nonsense approach in matters of business. They generally have good health but sometimes suffer from bile complaints.

Education and Profession

     Ashvini natives can have great careers as psychologists, therapist, physicians, music, horse trainers, jockeys, transport or as a race car driver. Education which leads to these mentioned careers is better if pursued. Having said that Ashvini Natives can be successful in almost all endeavours they take up and they are fond of literary pursuits. Period up to 30 years generally comes with a lot of struggles. Thereafter period between 30 to 55 years old sees gradual and steady progress being achieved.

Family Life

     Ashvini natives are often subjected to harsh treatment by family especially the father. But inspite of such treatment, an Ashvini native loves his family wholeheartedly. There is a high chance of having a twin sibling especially if Aquarius is the rising ascendant at time of birth. Marriages for female natives generally takes place between 23 to 26 years while for males marriage takes place between 26 to 30 years of age. Natives generally make for faithful and loyal partners.


     Natives of this nakshatra are hard working and diligent. They are not the type to leave a job at half way. They are focused and like to get on with things without fuzz. They are ideal people who can heal a person both physically and mentally.


     They often have an unsteady mind and are quite short tempered. Their desire to extract revenge on their enemies at any cost is quite harmful. They are also fearless and stubborn who don't think of results when they take on a task.

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