Astro Isha

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Brief Intro

Rahu is considered a chaya grah(shadowy planet) but still considered as one of nine major planets in vedic astrology. Rahu is considered a foot soldier in planetary cabinet. Rahu rules the south-west direction and has excess of air element. Rahu's color is dark blue and rules the outcaste. Rahu's vimshottari dasha runs for eighteen years.

Rahu similar to Saturn is a karma balancer. But Rahu's karma balancing in quick and instantaneous. Rahu is smokey, mysterious, has good illusionary powers and is street smart. Rahu likes innovative and out of box solutions.

Exaltion Sign

According to BPHS Chapter 47 exaltion sign of Rahu is Taurus. Bhrigu Samhita claims Gemini to be its exaltion sign.

Debilitation Sign

Accordingly debilitation sign of Rahu must be Scorpio. Bhrigu Samhita claims Rahu to be debilitated in Sagittarius.


Rahu owns Aquarius while its moola-trikona sign is Gemini according to BPHS. Some astrologers claim Rahu owns Virgo.


Rahu owns Ardra, Swati and Shatabhisha nakshatras.


To strengthen Rahu one must wear hessonite(gomed).

Maturity Age

Rahu is said to mature at 42 years of age.


Rahu considers Venus and Saturn as his friends.


Rahu considers Sun, Moon, Mars and Jupiter as his enemies.


Rahu remains neutral towards Mercury.


Rahu represents illusions, magic, multi-colored clothes, eclipse, lead, mischief, anxiety and materialism.

Associated Foods

Rahu is associated with black urad(vigna mungo), black sesame seeds and black fruits.

Body Parts

Rahu is known to affect nervous system the most.

Positive Traits

Rahu loves innovation, scientific temperatment and out of box approach to life. Rahu gives good imagination skills and bestows good convincing abilities.

Negative Traits

Rahu prefers shortcuts, hates monotonous work, into forbidden and taboo activities and is not afraid of using unethical and illegal means to success.


Rahu will affect the nervous system if weak or afflicted. Those who have autism, frequent bouts of epilepsy, tourette syndrome, cerebral palsy and other disease related to nervous system may have weak Rahu or Rahu affecting ascendant. Rahu can also cause mental disorders like anxiety, phobias, multiple personality disoder, schizophrenia and illusions. Rahu is also known to cause tumors if associated with Jupiter and blockages if associated with Saturn.

Rahu has excess of wind element and causes Vata Dosha to increase in body. This in turn leads to flatulence, IBS, hypertension, arthritis, weakness and digestion problems. Rahu loves the forbidden and taboo activities and it may lead to venereal disease especially if associated with Venus, seventh house or eight house.

Associated Career

Rahu hates dull and boring routine and prefers innovative and out of box approach. Rahu is a born actor and can allow a native to become a versatile actor/actress who portray wide variety of roles. Rahu can give an excellent career as an illusionist, magician, producer or director who make fantasy movies. Rahu represents foreign and can give excellent career in dealing with foreign clients and customer. Rahu can also allow career as a novelist who writes fantasy novels. Rahu has great convincing ability and mesmerizing speech. Many famous politicians have Rahu influencing career house. Rahu can also provide work as voiceover artist, language translators or in television and movie production. Rahu is not afraid of doing unethical work and can even provide work in sports betting, gambling and other illegal activities.

Rahu is signficator of foreign and thus can allow business related to import-export, offshore business and business which deal with foreign clients. Rahu can also help start businesses related to entertainment, film industry, PR and marketing. Rahu love shortcuts and would support gambling and sports betting business. Rahu deals with toxins, poisons and chemicals and can allow setting up chemical factories, pharmacy store and business dealing with toxins and poisons. Rahu loves forbidden and taboo activities and thus can support illegal and unethical businesses like sex trafficking and drug distribution.


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