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Horse Without A Lease

     Venus is the treasure trove for romance, luxury and sensual pleasures. Having said that it is also a chief contributor for unfaithfulness, bankruptcy and venereal diseases. Confused? Let's simplify it. If you keep falling in love with every attractive person you meet you are bound to be unfaithful to your partner. If you keep spending more than you earn on luxury items you are bound to go bankrupt. If you keep engaging in forbidden sensual pleasures chances of catching a venereal disease rise dramatically.

     Venus is like a Horse Without A Lease. This is why it is important to understand that not only a Venus in weak condition but a strong Venus in horoscope may also bring troubles. It needs some aspect from Jupiter, association with Sun or Saturn or some other combination which keeps its bad qualities in check.

Indicators Of Problematic Venus

Below are the indicator of a problematic Venus. Bear in mind Venus in many cases maybe strong but that may harm the native in long run.

  1. If a native constantly falls in love and is prone to extra-marital affairs than he/she may have a problematic Venus.
  2. If native is shopaholic and brings items which are of no use to him/her.
  3. If unpaid credit card bills, mortgages and debt is scarily high than also it could be due to bad Venus. Other planets may also contribute to debt and it is not always Venus at fault but overspending is a Venus trait.
  4. When fashion sense and aristocracy become tools to judge people instead of their character, honor and integrity than that arrogance results from Venus.
  5. Venus maybe bad if a native is addicted to alcohol, gambling and drugs.
  6. Addiction to medicational drugs is also possible due to bad Venus.
  7. If Venus+Mars are together in horoscope than that  person craves excessive sex. In some cases it may give rise to someone who misbehaves.
  8. Venus+Mars+Rahu association would give rise to forbidden relationships and taboo activities which cannot be sanctioned by society.
  9. Venus in Sixth house may give addiction to drugs, alcohol, smoking and other harmful substances.
  10. Venus in Eight house leads to native having a relationship with multiple partners and divorces.
  11. Sometimes Venus+Sun association tends to break relationship especially if association occurs in the Twelfth house and angle between Venus and Sun is less then twelve degrees. 
Spiritual Remedies For Venus

     In modern day Goddess Laxmi and Lord Krishna are associated with Venus. Lord Krishna is called Jeetandriya meaning one who conquered his senses and desires. So praying to Lord Krishna to calm a weak Venus is advisable. Furthermore he treated others based on merits and not on looks or riches which is a great trait for Venus natives to cultivate. 

     In addition natives may also pray to Goddess Santoshi Maa. Santoshi means one who has achieved satisfaction. Males who cannot get married at right age should pray to Goddess Parvati on a friday and visit a Laxmi temple or Durga temple.

     Also you can chant the Shukra Japa Mantra and Shukra Gayatri Mantra.

Shukra Japa Mantra

हिमकुंद मृणालाभं दैत्यानां परमं गुरुम् I
सर्वशास्त्र प्रवक्तारं भार्गवं प्रणमाम्यहम् II

Hima-kunta-mrinaa-laabham Daityaanam-paramam Gurum
Sarva-shastra Pravaktaaram Bhargavam Pranamamyaham

Shukra Gayatri Mantra

Om aswadhwajaaya vidmahae dhanur hastaaya dheemahi tanno shukra: prachodayaat

Kamdev Gayatri Mantra

ॐ काम देवाय विधमहे पुष्पबाणाय धीमहि तन्नो अनंग प्रचोदयात ll

Om Kama devaya Vidhmahe Pushpa Banaya Dheemahe Thanno Anang Prachodayath.

     Kamdev is called cupid in English. This mantra is to be only used by married couples and by people who cannot get married at the right age. It is a Vashikaran mantra meaning hypnotizing or alluring mantra.

Physical Remedies For Venus

     Breathing and relaxing techniques to control the mind and resist urges are necessary. Pranayam like anulom vilom, sheetali, sheetkari and kapal bhati are excellent for natives with weak Venus. A little looking after body and resisting addictions is also necessary.

Diet For Venus

     Natives with problematic Venus may suffer from diabetes and addictions related to alcohol, drugs and smoking. It is absolutely necessary to eat food with less sugar, starch and carbohydrates. On a Friday it is ideal to only eat boiled food made without spices and sugar. One can also eat roasted chick peas and jaggery. Some turmeric should be sprinkled on roasted chick peas if not present already. Consuming honey and honey products is better option than consuming sugar for natives with weak Venus. Moderate consumption of sweet and spicy food is recommended.

Donation Items For Venus

     Venus is female by gender. Natives with weak Venus or problematic Venus should donate ornaments especially those made from diamonds to female members in family. If you cannot afford ornaments than donating silk, perfumes, clothes especially white clothes to females in family and known relatives is also ideal. Donation of sweet items especially sugar, jaggery to the poor and needy is ideal. Also donation of chocolates, cakes and other sweet delicacies to children would also go a long way in curing a weak Venus. 

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