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Good Grades vs Knowledge

     In modern world its more important to secure good grades as compared to gaining knowledge. A medical aspirant who hasn't cleared NEET isn't allowed to become a doctor in India. Similarly someone who aspires to join IIT(Indian Institute Of Technology) must clear JEE Advanced before he is allowed admission. In USA a candidate who wants to join NASA must have done Masters from STEM(Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics). Similarly in academics minimum qualification required to become a lecturer in a reputed university is Phd.

     Its fair to say that in modern times fourth house which deals with basic education is far more important compared to fifth house which deals with knowledge and wisdom. As such we would focus on remedies which can increase grades.

Improving Focus

     Sad reality of today's world is many kids suffer from ADD(Attention Deficit Disorder). Average attention span of kids between ten to twenty years of age should be between thirty to fifty minutes. If a kid cannot focus for more than three to five minutes after turning ten years of age is probably a clear case of ADD. Some of the ways to improve focus are

  • Gayatri Mantra is one of the best remedy to improve focus and concentration. Surprisingly there was a scientific research done which showed attention increased drastically after chanting Gayatri Mantra.
  • Thoppukaranam is a simple form of punishment meted out to kids especially in India is actually scientifically proven to improve brain function and help improve attention span.
  • Sitting in Padmasana or Sukhasana pose and doing Gyaan Mudra for five minutes can help increase focus. Similarly Brahmari Pranayam can also help increase focus and concentration..
Improving Memory

     Some people remember after reading things just once. While others require to read maybe three, five or even ten times to remember a theory. Birth-time Mercury would decide memory power but mantras and yoga can help sharpen memory to some extent.

  • Pranayam like Brahmari and Anulom Vilom are ideal to improve memory.
  • Ayurvedic medicine include Badam Rogan which is made of almonds is known to increase memory power. One can also consume Medha Vati, Brahmi and Sankhpushpi although they may not be readily available. Also beneficial are consuming raw almonds and walnuts.
  • Recitation of Om Mantra is believed to increase memory power if done for 20 minutes in padmasana or sukhasana pose in gyaan mudra with eyes closed.
Reducing Stress

     Stress and ADHD(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disoder) plays a huge role in bringing down focus, memory and grades. Sometimes stress is inherited while other times there maybe certain factors including weak Moon or Ascendant which can increase stress levels. Stress cannot be totally eradicated but can be controlled using following methods

  • Pranayam like Bhastrika, Kapal Bhati, Udgeet, Brahmari and Anulom Vilom as well as Om Mantra can help de-stress.
  • Limiting foods rich in sugars like chocolates, carbonated drinks as well as processed foods like burgers, pizza etc is must especially if child has high levels of ADHD.
  • Child must be given foods rich in Iron, Magnesium, Zinc and Vitamin B6. Foods like eggs, salmon and sardines, beans, nuts and seeds, wholegrains, milk, green leafy and cruciferous vegetables are ideal.
  • Electroencephalographic (EEG) biofeedback is a neurotherapy that helps researchers and doctors measure brainwaves. Prior consultation with medical expert especially psychiatrist is a must. There are also some therapies including CBT(Cognitive Behavior Therapy) which can help kids with high levels of ADHD.
Improving Grades

     Ultimately its the grades which decide succes or failure. Grades can be improved using certain remedies

  • Saraswati Beej Mantra is an ideal remedy for improve grades. Starting mantra at start of school year may help improve grades drastically.
  • Starting preparation early and organizing study time can be the difference between getting 65% and 85-95% in exams.
  • If possible one must study in early hours and possibly in North-East direction which is called kubera direction. Mind is generally fresh in the morning after a good night's sleep and sun rays are first visible when facing east.
  • Adequate sleep and rest is essential. Students should avoid late night studies especially on exam days.
  • Its always helpful to go through previous exam papers and give mock exams especially for those giving board exams.
  • While preparing for exams the difficult tasks should be priority and done when fresh. Easier stuff should be studied after tiredness and fatigue sets in.
  • While giving exams the reverse scenario holds. The easier tasks should be finished first and difficult tasks should be done afterwards. This would ensure that child doesn't lose marks for stuff he/she already knows.
Not The End Of World

     There is no denying the fact that good grades can give a headstart for a successful career. But to say that grades define entire life of an individual is not accurate. There are lots of failures in schools and colleges who make it a success in real world via hard work, patience and persistence. They understand the value of team work, focus on their strengths and are not afraid to fail. Karma awards those who never give up in one way or other. Trying to achieve good grades is important but its definitely not the End Of World if you don't achieve success in education sphere.


Gayatri Mantra Scientifc Paper

Benefits of Thoppukaranam/Super Brain Yoga

Almond Increases Memory

Om Mantra Improves Memory

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