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Rahu Enters Aries

     On 30th October 2023 Rahu will enter Pisces Sign. Pisces belongs to Jupiter. Rahu considers both caring Pisces Sign and spiritual Jupiter as its enemy. Rahu will also aspect emotional Cancer Sign and vindictive Scorpio Sign during this transit. Rahu would cause emotional turmoil and vindictiveness to increase in the world. Those who are caring, kind and empathetic can suffer the most and their noble intentions can be misunderstood during this transit.

     Those with heart problems and blockages need to take extra-care especially between 20th October 2024 to time around Mid-June 2025. On political front there can be major misunderstandings, vindictiveness and possible escalations which can lead to wars. Those researching marine habitat and biology can achieve breakthrough in their work. Researchers, academics and scientists in general can achieve major breakthroughs in their field of work. Chances of uneven rainfall are not ruled out during this transit.

Note: Following prediction is for Moon Sign based on Vedic Astrology. It can also be used as a reference point for ascendant signs.

Aries Sign

     Rahu travel via twelfth house of losses for Aries natives. And its very important that Arians avoid gambling or any shortcuts to money making. Chances of heavy financial losses or bankruptcy are not ruled out for next few years. Arians fighting court cases can see delays and eventual defeats in them. Chances of paying huge alimony or settlement money not ruled out. Cances of health problems and hospital stay not ruled out for those with heart problems, loose motions, liver damage and intestine problems. Chances of untimely death to native or their loved ones not ruled out during this transit.

Taurus Sign

     Rahu will travel via eleventh house of gains for Taurus natives. Rahu's aspect on marriage house is blessing for Taurans looking to marry and settle down. On the downside Rahu can create misunderstandings with spouse, kids as well as business partner. Those planning child birth should take extra-care until May 2025 and stay in regular touch with doctor. Chances of stomach problems are not ruled out during this transit. Income and business profits can have its ups and downs. There are chances of job loss and stoppage in income especially for those with unstable jobs. Those in business sector can also see uneven profits and fallouts in partnerships.

Gemini Sign

     Rahu will travel via tenth house of career for Gemini natives. Career can have its share of ups and downs especially for those working in counseling, medical, fisheries and oceanography. Chances of job loss for considerable time period not ruled out for next few years. There can be differences with family members as well as with colleagues, superiors and subordinates at workplace. Savings can be impacted negatively due to family and health problems. Chances of hospital stay and major debts are not ruled out during this transit. On bright side hard working students in medical and marketing department can greatly benefit from Rahu's aspect.

Cancer Sign

     Rahu will travel via ninth house of fortune for Cancer natives. Those with mental health issues need to take extra-care during this transit. Rahu can cause illusions and over-estimation of one's own ability. Rahu can also make native fall for a fraud guru/mentor. Its important to stay grounded and avoid gambling and any other shortcuts to money making. Relationship with children can have its share of differences. Relationship with siblings, neighbors and siblings of spouse can turn sour. Those who regularly commute short distance to work can suffer some inconvenience. On the bright side its an ideal transit for students wishing to go abroad for higher studies. Couples can increase romance and passion in marriage via long-distance travels preferably to sea shores and islands. Its also an ideal transit to go on short distance spiritual travels.

Leo Sign

     Rahu will travel via eight house of transformation for Leo natives. Life would undergo sudden and intense transformations. There can be loss of loved ones and plenty of unnecessary expenses which can deplete savings. Those fighting court cases may see defeats and may need to shell out huge alimony/settlement money. Those living abroad on foreign soil can encounter some setbacks and problems. There can be disputes with family members and in-laws. Those dealing in real estate or planning to buy house or luxury cars need to be careful during this transit. Students studying in schools and college can see loss of focus, failures and drop-outs. On the bright side Leo's involved in research especially field research can achieve breakthrough results in their field of expertise.

Virgo Sign

     Rahu will travel via seventh house of marriage for Virgo natives. Marriage and business partnership can have its share of differences. On the bright side singles looking to marry and settle down have a favorable time. Anger and frustration can increase and those with mental health problems need to be careful. Relationship with siblings, friends and neighbors can also have its share of misunderstandings. Both income and business profits can fluctuate especially for those working in unstable jobs and seasonal businesses. On the bright side its an ideal transit to go on vacations especially to nearby water bodies like rivers, ponds or ocean shores.

Libra Sign

     Rahu will travel via sixth house of debt and disease for Libra natives. Librans who have heavy debts need to avoid collecting any more debts via unnecessary loans. Librans or their family members can see hospital stay and lots of medical tests which can deplete savings. Job loss is not ruled out especially for those working in service roles. Relationship with family members, superiors, co-workers and subordinates can also see differences during this transit. On the bright side Rahu's influence can help those looking to work and settle abroad. Academic researchers and those working in medical field can gain favorable results and important breakthroughs during this transit.

Scorpio Sign

     Rahu will travel via fifth house of romance for Scorpio natives. Those with mental health issues need to take extra-care especially those suffering from anxiety, paranoia and schizophrenia. Scorpions may find new love interest only to see eventual break-ups and a sense of being cheated and deceived. Scorpions should avoid gambling and other shortcuts to money making. Rather they should invest long-term in good stocks. Relationship with children and friends can have its share of differences. On the bright side this transit is ideal for knowledge seekers. Its also an ideal transit to plan long-distance romantic travels. Students wishing to pursue higher education on foreign soil have a favorable time although some caution is advised.

Sagittarius Sign

     Rahu will travel via fourth house of shelter for Sagittarius natives. Natives studying in schools and colleges can see loss of focus, drop-outs and failures. Sagittarians involved in real estate can encounter legal problems and court cases. Its important that natives avoid big loans to buy house and luxury vehicles. It would be difficult to balance home and work life. Relationship with parents, in-laws, boss and co-workers can be strained in this transit. Chances of paying alimony or settlement in court case are not ruled out. On bright side those looking to move and settle abroad have a golden time atleast until May 2024. Some challenges do remain on foreign soil owing to influence of Saturn and Rahu.

Capricorn Sign

     Rahu will travel via third house of siblings for Capricorn natives. There can be major differences with siblings, friends, neighbors and even spouse's siblings. Misunderstandings can increase in marriage and business partnerships. Regular income and business profits can also see ups and downs especially for those with unstable jobs and seasonal businesses. Those who have to commute daily for work may encounter some problems while travelling. On the bright side singles looking to marry and settle down can do so during this transit. Its also an ideal transit to plan short-distance romantic and long-distance spiritual travels.

Aquarius Sign

     Rahu will travel via second house for Aquarius natives. Rahu will negatively impact relationship with family members and in-laws. There can be misunderstandings with subordinates, superiors and co-workers as well as loss of focus at workplace. Chances of job loss are not ruled out especially for those with unstable jobs. Savings can deplete owing to health issues. Chances of accidents, injuries and deaths are also not ruled out to native or family members. Those fighting divorce cases can see bitter divorce. On bright side female natives can receive good alimony while male native can receive considerable inheritance especially after April 2024.

Pisces Sign

     Rahu will travel via own-sign and first house for Pisces natives. Those with mental health problems can see increase in frustration, anxiety and panic attacks. Rahu will create misunderstadnings with children. Spouse can act indifferent, angry and frustrated which can further impact mental health of native. There can be a fallout in marriage as well as business partnership. Business can have it share of problems and struggles. On the bright side its an ideal transit for seeking romance as well as those looking to travel abroad for higher studies. Couples can increase romance and passion in their life via long-distance romantic travels.

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