2021 is a mixed year for Cancer natives. Saturn continues to trouble marriage life but health improves this year with Ketu moving out of house of disease. Jupiter in eight house between April to September means fortune and luck dry down. Its a good year for buying gold and investing in good financial schemes and mutual funds.
We have decided against giving any prediction related to Covid-19 . We believe its better that readers rely on doctors and researchers for its treatment and vaccination.
Note: This reading is for natives born with Moon in Cancer Sign based on vedic astrology. Those with Cancer Ascendant can also use this as a reference point.
- Jupiter will be in seventh house in Capricorn Sign until April 6th 2021. Afterwards it moves into eight house in Aquarius Sign between 6th April 2021 to September 14th 2021. From September 14th 2021 to November 21st 2021 it moves back into Capricorn Sign. After November 21st 2021 it again moves into Aquarius Sign.
- Saturn will be in the seventh house in Capricorn Sign. It stays there for rest of the year.
- Rahu will be in eleventh house of income in Taurus Sign for whole year.

- There are no major influences on career house or service house so career stays steady.
- Rahu in income house means unexpected promotions for few while others may even see deserved promotion being turned down.
- Job relocation or frequent travels for job related purpose are a possibility all year round.
- Its a good year for those working in back-office roles like software, taxation and clerical work.
- Job seekers can get a job all year round. Those wishing to look for new opportunities on foreign shores are advised to try between April to September.

- Saturn in own sign in business house is favorable for technical sector. Also a good year for business dealing in chemicals, medical supplies and pharmacy.
- Not the best year for partnership business. Chances of legal cases are not ruled out especially between April to September.
- Not the best year for offshore business due to Saturn's limiting aspect.
- New business should be opened between January to April and later between September to November. New partnership business should be avoided if possible.
- Transport, travel, food and catering business could see losses until April 2021 especially if proper vaccine is not available for covid-19.

- Income would generally be stable and many natives can see unexpected pay raise.
- Business profits should also return for most. But time until April is critical for some businesses.
- A great year for long-term investments in gold and good financial schemes especially between April to September.
- Real estate and property may also be an ideal place for long-term investment.
- Stock market investors and gamblers need to be careful especially those doing trading and speculation.
- There can be inheritance for some while those fighting court cases may win huge settlement/alimony.

- Saturn still influences marriage house so frictions and misunderstandings continue in marriage life.
- Those planning for children can encounter problems in pregnancy especially female natives.
- Jupiter helps couples increase joint assets via savings/investments between April to September.
- Chances of divorce are less but those who have already applied for divorce may win the court case and get good alimony as part of settlement.
- Best to avoid long-distance travels if possible. Short-distance travels are favorable all year round.

- Its a bad year for lovers with Ketu in the house of romance for them.
- There can be heart breaks and break-ups on cards for few.
- There are less chances of meeting faithful love interest. Any new love interest may leave them financially and emotionally drained.
- Lovers planning to marry and settle down are advised to marry before April or between September to November when Jupiter is in marriage house.

- Students in schools and colleges have aspect of Saturn to deal with so hard work and focus are required to pass exams.
- Not an ideal year for students in Masters and Post Grad either. Even foreign education aspirants may see difficulties.
- Ketu and Jupiter are surprisingly good for those wanting to learn occults but rest of knowledge enthusiasts may find it hard gaining new knowledge.
- Those planning to submit their Phd. thesis are advised to complete and submit it before September.

- Overall health improves this year with Ketu moving out of house of disease.
- Mind can turn negative between April to September. Natives are advised to think positive thoughts, do yoga and pranayam during these times.
- There can be stones in kidneys and bladder for few. Drinking plenty of fluids and avoiding certain food is necessary.
- There can be surgeries for those with heart or knee problems.

- Jupiter maybe unfavorable for most parts of the year especially between April to September.
- Jupiter is great for joint investments in marriage as well as investments in gold, good financial schemes and mutual funds.
- On the bright side Jupiter may negate some of the bad effects of Saturn on marriage.
- There can be inheritance on cards for few natives. Those fighting court cases may see wins and receive good amount as settlement/alimony.
- Jupiter is ideal for increasing and expanding business via effective marketing.

- Saturn is still problematic for marriage. Misunderstandings and frictions continue to rise.
- Apart from technology sector most other businesses can see difficult times especially offshore businesses dealing via water route, food, catering and transport sectors.
- Saturn increases negativity and fatigue via aspect on ascendant especially between April to September.
- Students studying in schools, colleges, Masters and Post Grad need to work hard to pass exams. Foreign education aspirants may also see difficulties on foreign lands.
- Those with problems related to kidney, knee and heart may need surgery. Chances of stones in kidney and bladder are there.

- Rahu in income house means unexpected income raise for some but others can see well-deserved promotions being turned down.
- Rahu and Ketu influencing fifth house of romance means lovers and married couples have it tough. But Rahu's aspect on marriage house can allow lovers to marry and settle down.
- Rahu's allows expansion of businesses and reaching more potential customers via use of media and advertisement.
- Rahu's aspect is bad for married couples who are experiencing misundertandings and frictions.
- Rahu favors business related to technology, medical supplies, pharma and chemicals. Other businesses may see their business profits dip.
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