Astro Isha

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General Prediction

virgo     Virgo's in busines sector have a dream time once Jupiter moves into Pisces. Marriage is favorable after Mid-April. Saturn between May to July will favor job seekers especially those looking for technical and medical roles. Long-term investments in index/mutual funds and other financial schemes are ideal and can give wonderful returns in the long run.

     Those fighting court cases will have a tough year. Virgo's dealing in real estate need to be careful after Mid-April. Virgo's with weak digestion should take care for whole year. Virgo's living abroad can encounter problems on foreign soil especially time between May to October.

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Important Transits
  • Jupiter will be in sixth house in Aquarius Sign until April 13th 2022. Afterwards it moves into seventh house which has own-sign Pisces and stays there until end of the year.
  • Saturn will continue its transit via fifth house which has Capricorn Sign until April 29th 2022. Between April 29th 2022 to July 12th 2022 Saturn moves into sixth house which has Aquarius Sign. Later after July 12th 2022 it moves back into Capricorn Sign and stays there for rest of the year.
  • Rahu will be in ninth house which has Taurus Sign until April 12th 2022. Afterwards it moves into eight house which has Aries Sign and stays there for rest of the year.

  • Teaching, marketing, financial and advisory jobs are ideal until Mid-April due to Jupiter.
  • Between May to July IT professionals, technical staff and medical professionals benefit from Saturn's transit.
  • There are high chances of promotions and pay raise after Mid-April due to Jupiter's influence on income house.
  • Those working in finance, banking sector, chemical factories and medical transcription can have a favorable year.
  • Job seekers can get better job offers until July. Although hard work is required after Mid-April to secure job.
  • Virgo natives should try and go abroad before Mid-April for better prospects. Afterwards its less advisable to go abroad.

  • Dream period for business is coming up with Jupiter moving into own-sign Pisces around Mid-April.
  • Its a great year to open a new business or partnership venture, expand current business and set up more branches.
  • Business related to shipments, fisheries, water purification, counseling, toxins, chemicals and dyes can flourish due to Jupiter's positive influence.
  • Business who are fighting legal and court cases will likely see losses especially between May to October.
  • Marketing, advertisements and social media campaigns can help increase business profits after Mid-April.
  • Rahu in Taurus until Mid-April is ideal for offshore and outsourcing business as well as for online servicing business.

  • Jupiter aspecting income house after Mid-April means promotions and pay raise for most candidates and increase in business profits for most businesses.
  • Savings can suffer after July due to health issues, financial or personal losses. Natives are advised to avoid unnecessary expenditures and to keep some emergency funds.
  • Rahu's aspect suggest problems and litigations for real estate dealers and investors after Mid-April.
  • Investment in mutual funds, gold and good financial schemes is ideal for long-term only.
  • Stock markets are ideal after Mid-April although long-term is more suited due to presence of Saturn.
  • Problems from tax officials and losses in court cases are not ruled out. Can lead to loss of savings.

  • Marriage sees increase in understanding and compassion after Mid-April with arrival of Jupiter in marriage house.
  • Couples can settle most of their differences and look forward to wonderful time together.
  • Romantic tours are favorable all year round with Rahu favoring long-distance travels until Mid-April while Jupiter favors short-distance travels after Mid-April.
  • Couples planning child birth can see complications especially until Mid-April. Regular consultation with doctor is important during pregnancy.
  • Couples who have already filed for divorce may see quick divorce after Mid-April. Chances of paying alimony are not ruled out especially for male natives.

  • Lovers have a tough year due to Saturn's influence.
  • Chances of break-ups or bad love interest are not ruled out this year.
  • On the bright side lovers who wish to marry and settle down can do so after Mid-April via blessings of Jupiter.
  • Virgo lovers are advised to settle for arranged marriage. Love can happen after marriage also.


  • Students in schools and colleges have a favorable time until Mid-April. After Mid-April one can expect loss of focus and failures due to Rahu.
  • Those doing Masters and Post Grad can see their concentration improve after Mid-April.
  • Foreign education aspirants can go abroad all year round although life abroad can have its share of problems.
  • Those planning to give competitive exams should try their luck before Mid-April or after July.
  • Phd. and research students will experience loss of focus and problems with writing and defending their thesis report.
  • Knowledge seekers can gain good knowledge about technology and stock-markets via practical application.


  • Precautions against covid are necessary atleast until Mid-April.
  • Those with diabetes, fatty liver and obesity problems can see hospital stay until Mid-April due to Jupiter.
  • Stomach problems and food poisoning are a possibility this year. Even kidney and gall-bladder stones are possible for those who do not drink sufficient water.
  • Mental health improves after Mid-April due to Jupiter's influence.
  • Problems related to haemorrhoids(piles) can occur after Mid-April and surgery is not entirely ruled out.
  • Jupiter promotes obesity all year round and its essential to control diet and exercise regularly to avoid complications later.
Jupiter's Transit


  • Jupiter will favor service roles related to education, marketing and communication until Mid-April.
  • Jupiter after Mid-April favors starting or expanding business and partnership.
  • Income and business profits can improve due to Jupiter's positive influence after Mid-April.
  • Jupiter suggests hospital stay for those who have obesity, diabetes and liver problems.
  • Jupiter until Mid-April is ideal for those wishing to work and settle abroad and also for natives doing research and pursuing Phd.
  • Jupiter after Mid-April can help improve relation with siblings, neighbors, friends as well as help increase networking and social circle.
Saturn's Transit


  • Saturn is ideal for long-term investments in stocks, mutual funds, good financial schemes as well as gold.
  • Saturn will create problems in love life, marriage life as well as for couples planning child birth.
  • Saturn between May to July can benefit those who seek roles in IT, technical support and medical field.
  • Those fighting court cases may see loses and fines between May to July.
  • Saturn can cause differences with friends, spouse, social circle, siblings and neighbors during the course of year.
  • Saturn can also cause stomach problems, bloating, flatulence, food poisoning, kidney stones as well teeth problems.
Rahu's Transit


  • Rahu until Mid-April can cause anxiety and stress. Those with lung problems and infections need to take extra-care not to catch covid.
  • Rahu will be favorable for students seeking to go abroad for higher studies until Mid-April. Afterwards loss of focus and failures are possible.
  • Rahu until Mid-April can cause stomach problems and complications in pregnancy.
  • Rahu after Mid-April can cause personal as well as financial losses. There are chances of losses in court cases.
  • Natives planning to buy property or doing business related to real estate need to be extra-careful.
  • Rahu will cause problems on foreign soil as well as lead to misunderstanding at home with family members.

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