Astro Isha

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General Prediction

     2023 can bring marriage for Aries natives. Saturn moves into eleventh house and can support income raise, promotions as well as marriage. Once Rahu moves out of ascendant even mental health can improve. Arians need to take care of their finance whole year round with Jupiter until May and later Rahu influencing house of losses.

     Arians planning to to migrate abroad on work visa should go before May and those planning to go on student visa should go in September 2023 intake for better prospects.

Note: This reading is for natives born with Moon in Aries Sign based on vedic astrology. Those with Aries Ascendant can also use this as a reference point.

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Important Transits
  • Jupiter will be in twelfth house in Pisces Sign until April 22nd 2023. Afterwards it moves into ascendant in Aries Sign and stay there until end of the year.
  • Saturn will be in tenth house in Capricorn Sign until January 17th 2023. Afterwards it moves into eleventh house which has Aquarius Sign and stays there for rest of the year..
  • Rahu will be in ascendant in own-sign until October 30th 2023. Afterwards it moves into twelfth house of losses which has Pisces Sign and stays there for rest of the year.

  • Arians seeking government jobs have better prospects until May 2023.
  • Those seeking private jobs in marketing and competitive environment have better prospects after October 2023.
  • Arians are generally hard working and Saturn starts rewarding them with promotions and pay raise from Mid-January itself.
  • By end of the year Arians can start developing differences with subordinates, bosses and co-workers due to Ketu.
  • Arians looking to migrate abroad for service roles have better prospects before May. After October some challenges possible on foreign soil.

  • Business can have ups and downs atleast until May 2023 due to influence of Rahu and Ketu.
  • Some stability can return after April 2023 once Jupiter starts aspecting business house.
  • Business should avoid massive loans and major expansion plans atleast until May 2023.
  • Offshore and consultancy businesses may start to show wonderful profits after April 2023 due to Jupiter's positive influence.
  • Ideally any partnership business should be opened or expanded after October 2023 once Ketu moves out of business house.

  • Income and business profits can improve for most Aries natives with arrival of Saturn in income house.
  • Financial losses are a possibility with Jupiter and later Rahu travelling via house of losses.
  • Stock market investments are ideal after April via blessings of Jupiter.
  • Buying and renting land property is more ideal until May although time until November is largely favorable.
  • Those engaged in real estate and hidden assets need to take care after October as Rahu's aspect can cause problems.
  • There are no major influence which suggests problems in buying gold, mutual funds or savings in banks.

  • Aries natives looking to marry and settle down have a golden period after Mid-January once Saturn enters house of gains.
  • Married couples have to take care until November due to placement of Ketu in marriage house.
  • Couples planning child birth can be blessed with beautiful and obedient child after April by blessings of Jupiter.
  • Its a great year to go on long-distance travels especially spiritual travels. It also an ideal year to increase romance via blessings of Jupiter.
  • Couples planning to move into new home or buy a new vehicle should do so before May when Jupiter influences fourth house.
  • Couples who have already filed for divorce can see bitter divorce this year and lot of animosity with spouse due to Ketu.


  • Arians looking to find new love interest are in luck after April with Jupiter influencing house of romance.
  • Those who are already involved can increase romance and passion in their love life by going to movies, concerts and long-distance travels.
  • Arians looking to marry and settle down have a golden year with Saturn and Jupiter both favorable for marriage.
  • Some lovers can see break-ups until May as Rahu and Saturn both influence their house of romance.


  • School and college going natives can get good grades until May due to positive influence of Jupiter.
  • Time after October can provide difficulties and loss of focus due to influence of Rahu.
  • Aries natives in Masters and Post Grad have better prospects after April 2023 although some problems do remain well until November 2023.
  • Those looking to go abroad for higher education should try to go in September 2023 intake.
  • Those doing Phd. and research should submit their thesis before May or latest by October end. Afterwards Rahu can cause problems for them.
  • Those giving competitive exams have a better chance before May. After November clearing competitive exams would be extremely difficult for next few years.


  • Those with mental health problems need to take extra-care until May due to Rahu and Saturn's influence on ascendant.
  • Those with GERD, bloating, flatulence and acid reflux may face acute problems during the course of the year.
  • Those who are battling tumors or cancer need to be careful starting Mid-January and get regular medical checkup.
  • There are chances of UTI, kidney or bladder stones or other urinary disorders atleast until November.
  • Those battling obesity need to take care for next few years as Jupiter's transit can cause a few problems for them.
Jupiter's Transit


  • Jupiter transition via twelfth house until May can bring huge financial or personal losses.
  • Afterwards its moves into ascendant and brings some amount of optimism and happiness in life of Arians.
  • Those seeking to marry and settle down are blessed by Jupiter after April.
  • Jupiter until May will be ideal for those who wish to pass competitive exams as well as for exams in schools and colleges.
  • Long-term stock market investors can see wonderful returns on their investments after April.
  • Time after April is ideal for couples to plan children and also to go on long-distance travels.
  • Those wishing to go abroad on work visa should try before May and those wishing to go on student visa should try in September 2023 intake.
Saturn's Transit


  • Saturn after Mid-January will reward hard working candidates with promotions and pay raise.
  • On the downside Saturn's aspect on ascendant and Rahu's presence can be tough for mental health.
  • Those with stomach problems like acid reflux, GERD, bloating and flatulence can suffer due to Saturn's negative aspect.
  • Saturn advises caution for those who seek shortcuts to money making.
  • Those fighting court cases see delays and disappointments.
  • Those looking to marry and settle down can do so after Mid-January by Saturn's blessings.
  • Court cases and raids from income tax officials are possible for few due to Saturn's negative aspect.
Rahu's Transit


  • Rahu until November aspects marriage house and allow natives to marry and settle down.
  • On downside Rahu can give bad love interest as well as financial losses for gamblers and stock traders.
  • Rahu and Ketu can cause problems in digestive tract, intestine, kidneys and urinary tract.
  • Rahu until October end is bad for students studying abroad or doing Masters and Post Grad. After October Rahu is bad for school and college going students.
  • Those with mental health issues need to take extra-care especially until May when both Rahu and Saturn influence ascendant.
  • After November Rahu would make it difficult to pass competitive exams and there are also chances of heavy financial losses due to gambling, court case or real estate.

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