Astro Isha

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General Prediction

     Geminians after Mid-January can breathe easy with Saturn moving out of eight house and stopping its panoti phase. Over and above Jupiter enters house of gains around May and signals promotions, pay raise and marriage for Geminians. Rahu and Ketu will be troublesome until November for gamblers and those planning children.

     Geminians looking to buy house, luxurious vehicles as well as those applying for government and MNC jobs should try before May for better prospects.

Note: This reading is for natives born with Moon in Gemini Sign based on vedic astrology. Those with Gemini Ascendant can also use this as a reference point.

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Important Transits
  • Jupiter will be in tenth house in own-sign Pisces until 22nd April 2023. Afterwards it moves into eleventh house which has friendly Aries Sign and stays there until end of the year.
  • Saturn will stop its panoti phase in eight house which has Capirocorn Sign after 17th January 2023. Afterwards it moves into ninth house which has Aquarius Sign and stays there for rest of the year.
  • Rahu will be in eleventh house until 30th October 2023. Afterwards it moves via retrograde transit into tenth house which has Pisces Sign and stays there for rest of the year.

  • Geminians looking for promotion and pay raise have an ideal year after April.
  • Those with unstable and contractual jobs can see job loss due to influence of Rahu and Saturn on house of gains.
  • Job seekers seeking government jobs should try their luck before May. Those applying for jobs related to medical, pharma, chemicals and toxins may have a favorable year.
  • Geminians looking to work and settle abroad are advised to go before May for better prospects.
  • There can be a few misunderstandings and differences with subordinates, bosses and co-workers after October.

  • Business will continue to have ups and downs atleast until November due to Rahu's troublesome aspect on enemy sign.
  • But some stability should return especially after April with aspect of Jupiter on own-sign in business house.
  • Those planning to open or expand their business or partnership should do so after October for better prospects.
  • Business should avoid controversial adverts, spams and over the top marketing campaigns which can turn off consumers.
  • Offshore businesses and businesses dealing with foreign clients stand to gain after Mid-January.
  • Service oriented businesses have a tough time after April with influence of Saturn and Rahu troubling them.

  • Investments in gold, mutual funds and good financial schemes is ideal between Mid-January to November. Afterwards Rahu's aspect advises some caution.
  • Rahu and Saturn's aspect can cause stoppage in regular income especially for those with contractual and unstable jobs.
  • Having said that Jupiter after April can give promotions and pay raise to those with stable jobs.
  • Traders, gamblers, future-option, cryptocurrency and those who invest in commodities need to avoid unnecessary risks until November.
  • Investment in real estate is ideal until May and afterwards long-term stock market investments are ideal due to Jupiter's positive influence.

  • Marriage can continue to have misunderstandings and differences due to Rahu's aspect on marriage house which has enemy sign.
  • But Jupiter after April can increase communication and understanding which can repair relationship for most couples.
  • Couples looking to buy or rent a house should do so before May and latest by October end.
  • Couples planning child birth should ensure that delivery happens between November 2023 to May 2024.
  • Long-distance romantic travels are far more ideal although short-distance travels are also a good idea after April.
  • Couples whose divorce case has been dragging for quite some time may see verdict after Mid-January 2023.


  • Lovers looking to marry and settle down have better prospects after April due to Jupiter's aspect.
  • With Ketu in house of romance and Rahu's aspect break-ups are not ruled out.
  • Lovers looking to find new love interest can find a faithful one after April via blessings of Jupiter.
  • Lovers can go on long-distance romantic trips whole year round while short-distance trips are more favorable after April.


  • Those in schools and colleges can pass out with excellent grades due to positive aspect of Jupiter.
  • Loss of focus and failures are not entirely ruled out after October due to troublesome influence of Rahu and Ketu.
  • Those who seek knowledge of occults can stand to gain from Ketu and Jupiter's influence on fifth house.
  • Those planning competitive exams should try their luck before May. Those doing Phd. and research have no major influence troubling them.
  • Masters and Post Grad students can get good grades but hard work is required. Foreign education aspirants should try and go after Mid-January for better results on foreign soil.


  • Those with stomach problems especially acid reflux and GERD need to take extra-care until November.
  • Hospital stay is not ruled out until November possibly for food poisoning or due to coming in contact with harmful toxin or chemical.
  • Those with lung disorders need to be extra careful as both Rahu and Saturn influence third house for most parts of the year.
  • There are chances of UTI, pimples and similar heat and infection related disorders in private parts of body.
  • There are no major influences which affect mental health although frustration and anger can cloud judgement until Mid-March.
  • Those with heart problems need to take extra-care otherwise surgeries are possible after October.
Jupiter's Transit


  • Jupiter until May is ideal for job seekers and also for those who are involved in service sector or business providing services.
  • Jupiter's weak aspect until May is ideal for those who wish to buy/rent a new house or buy a luxurious car.
  • There is chance for promotions, pay raise and increase in business profits afer April especially for stable jobs and businesses.
  • Natives seeking new love interest and those looking to marry and settle down have a favorable year after April.
  • Investment in real estate, gold and mutual funds is ideal until May and later long-term investment in stock markets is ideal.
  • Jupiter's positive aspect after April is ideal for natives looking to open or expand their business and partnership.
Saturn's Transit


  • Saturn finally stops its panoti phase around Mid-January and things start to improve for Geminians.
  • Saturn will be ideal for offshore business, business dealing with foreign clients but bad for service oriented businesses
  • Saturn would create problems for those working in communication and marketing department, journalists and creative writers.
  • Those doing Masters, Post Grad and those wishing to study abroad can benefit from Saturn's transit although some challenges do remain.
  • Rahu and Saturn's influence can cause income stoppage especially for contractual workers and those with unstable jobs.
  • Relationship with siblings, friends, social circle, neighbors and subordinates is negatively impacted by Saturn's aspect.
Rahu's Transit


  • Rahu, Ketu and excess greed can cause major problems for gamblers.
  • Relationship with children, siblings, neighbors and spouse can be negatively impacted.
  • Rahu along with Saturn can cause cause problems for regular income and business profits so patience is advised.
  • Businesses must avoid excess risk and avoid controversial marketing campaigns. Opening new business, consultancy or partnership should be avoided until November if possible.
  • Rahu can cause misunderstandings and break-ups in relationship for married couples and lovers.
  • Ketu and Rahu's aspect can cause complications in pregnancy until November.
  • Those planning to buy and move into new house are advised to do before November for better prospects.

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