Astro Isha

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General Prediction

sagittarius     Sagittarians can breathe a sign of relief after Mid-January with Saturn stopping its troublesome Sade-Sati. Sade-Sati has been giving one challenge after another since November 2014 and it all stops in January itself. With Jupiter starting its aspect on ascendant there is renewed hope and optimism in life after April.

     Investments in real estate is ideal until May while long-term stock market investments are better option afterwards. Financial or personal losses are not ruled out especially after October. Career is largely stable until May but can turn troublesome after October.

Note: This reading is for natives born with Moon in Sagittarius Sign based on vedic astrology. Those with Sagittarius Ascendant can also use this as a reference point.

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Important Transits
  • Jupiter will be in fourth house in own-sign Pisces until 22nd April 2023. Afterwards it moves into fifth house which has friendly Aries Sign and stays there until end of the year.
  • Saturn will move out of second house which has Capricorn Sign after 17th January 2023 and finally Sade-Sati is over. Thereafter it will move into third house which has Aquarius Sign and stays there for rest of the year.
  • Rahu will be in fifth house until 30th October 2023 which has Aries Sign. Afterwards it moves via retrograde transit into fourth house which has Pisces Sign and stays there for rest of the year.

  • Jupiter's favorable aspect until May is favorable for career especially those working in government and conflict resolution.
  • Job seekers have no major influence this year and they can get the desired jobs and good pay especially after April.
  • Those working in communication, marketing, advertisement and PR can gain from Saturn's influence although hard-work is required.
  • Promotions and pay raise can be stalled until October although slight chances are there after April.
  • Those involved in consultancy roles should avoid giving illogical advise to clients.
  • There is chance for negative publicity especially for those involved in politics, media and entertainment sector.

  • Business has no major influence during the entire year although some care is advised between Mid-March to Mid-May 2023.
  • Business related to real estate and farming would fare better until May. Those involved in communication, marketing, PR and publishing have a favorable year after Mid-January.
  • Those involved in consultancy, pharma and offshore business should be extra careful atleast until May.
  • Those who wish to start or expand their business and partnership should do so before October and avoid massive loans.
  • Business profits would continue to fluctuate atleast until May. Business profits can stablize afterwards and reach full potential by November.

  • Both income and business profits can see stoppage or fluctuations until May. Afterwards some amount of stability returns due to influence of Jupiter.
  • Promotions, pay raise or increase in business profits are more likely after October.
  • Investment in real estate, hidden assets and tax-saver schemes is ideal until May. After October its less advised due to infuence of Rahu.
  • Those planning shortcuts to money making via gambling or stock markets can see major losses due to Saturn and Rahu.
  • Long-term investment in sensible stocks remains the best source of investments after April.
  • There are chances of debts so taking loans is ill advised. There are also chances of problems via tax officials.

  • Relationship at home with family members starts to improve after Mid-January and most of the problems can be sorted out.
  • Jupiter after April is ideal for romance, dinner and movie dates as well as long-distance travels although couples are advised against overspending until October.
  • Couples planning to move into new house are advised to relocate before May and latest by October for better prospects.
  • Couples who are expecting child before May can expect complications and even miscarriage.
  • Relationship with children can also have misunderstandings and frictions until October.
  • Couples who have already filed for divorce may see a peaceful separation between Mid-January to May. After October there are chances of bitter separation and heavy alimony to be paid.

  • Chances of bitter break-ups and separation are not ruled out until May due to influence of Rahu and Saturn.
  • Chances of finding new love interest are better after April with Jupiter's arrival in fifth house of romance.
  • Transits are less favorable for lovers wishing to marry and settle down although month of May and December do offer a chance.
  • Short-distance travels are far more ideal this year. Long-distance travels are best avoided atleast until May.


  • Students in schools and colleges can expect wonderful grades in final exams until May due to Jupiter's positive influence.
  • Students studying Post Grad and Masters can see loss of focus, failures and drop-outs until May. Things start to improve afterwards and hard working students can gain after October.
  • Foreign education aspirants for higher studies are advised to avoid going in January 2023 intake and instead go in September 2023 or January 2024 intake.
  • Phd. and research students must submit and defend their thesis before November if possible. Afterwards loss of focus and failures not ruled out.
  • Knowledge seekers have a tough year until May. Those looking to pass competitive exams have no major influence although time until October is more favorable.


  • Those with frequent cough, cold and lung infections need to be careful for next few years.schi
  • Mental health especially anxiety and schizophrenia can be troublesome until May. Afterwards Jupiter does provide some relief.
  • Stomach problems especially acid reflux, GERD, flatulence and food poisoning can continue to trouble natives all year round.
  • Those with obesity and liver problems also need to take care this year especially after April.
  • There are chances of loose motions and food poisoning during the entire year and natives are advised to avoid unhygienic foods especially on travels.
Jupiter's Transit


  • Jupiter is ideal for real estate investments until May. Afterwards it supports long-term stock market investments.
  • Jupiter until May is ideal for back-end jobs and research oriented jobs. It can also help improve relationship with bosses and co-workers.
  • Jupiter after April can help consultancy and offshore business. It is also ideal for promotions and pay raise.
  • Those with loose motions need to take care until April. Afterwards those with obesity, liver and tumor problems need to be careful.
  • Hope and optimism improve after April. There is also increase in romance and chance to go on long-distance trips.
  • Those in school, colleges and those doing Phd. and research benefit until May. Afterwards Masters, Post Grad and foreign education aspirants benefit.
Saturn's Transit


  • Last few years have been quite challenging for Sagittarians due to Sade-Sati and they are finally free from it around Mid-January.
  • Its an ideal year for those working in media and communication with their hard work giving them desired success.
  • Shortcuts to money making including gambling and stock trading can cause huge losses. Consultancy and offshore business are also negatively impacted.
  • Lovers can see misunderstandings and break-ups atleast until May while couples planning child can suffer from miscarriage.
  • Those doing Masters, Post Grad, Phd and research require hard work and focus although Saturn would help them with their dissertation.
  • Saturn would benefit business and jobs where short-distance travels are required. Long-distance travels and foreign residents can see troubles due to Saturn's aspect.
Rahu's Transit


  • Those planning shortcuts to money making may see huge losses due to influence of Rahu with Saturn.
  • Break-ups for lovers and miscarriage for couples not ruled out ateast until May.
  • Those with mental ailments and tumor problems need to be extra-careful. Consultancy and offshore business are also negatively impacted until October.
  • After October Rahu is bad for real estate. Natives would find it hard to achieve work life balance due to Rahu and Ketu.
  • Students can see loss of focus and failures not ruled out during course of the year.
  • After October there can be failures for those fighting court cases. Problems with tax officials and losses also not ruled out.

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