Check if you have Adhi Yoga: Astro Yoga Calculator
Adhi Yoga is one of the yogas described by B. V. Raman in his book 300 Important Combinations. Adhi Yoga is formed when benefics namely Venus, Jupiter and Mercury occupy the sixth house, seventh house or eight house counted from the Moon.

Native will be polite and trustworthy. Will be able to defeat his/her enemies and live a healthy and long life. The person will be surrounded by luxuries and lots of wealth.
Jupiter if situated in sixth house or eight house from Moon would also create Sakata Yoga which says native would lose a fortune. Also any benefic especially Venus and Jupiter are not suited in sixth or eight house. So if Moon is in ascendant than Venus in sixth house would give addictions while Jupiter in sixth house would give obesity. If Moon is in ascendant than Venus in eight house can increase chances of divorce. Adhi Yoga maybe considered a wealth yoga but some of the effects of having Jupiter, Venus or Mercury in sixth house or eight house are not really good.
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