Astro Isha

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What is Devendra Yoga?

     Devendra Yoga is one of the good yogas mentioned in B.V. Raman's 300 Important Combination. Devendra in sanskrit means Indra who is the chief among devas.

How is Devendra Yoga formed?

     Devendra Yoga is said to arise in horoscope when the two below mentioned conditions are met:

  1. Lord of ascendant(first house) is in fixed sign. Also lord of ascendant is in eleventh house and lord of eleventh house is in ascendant.
  2. Lord of second house is in tenth house and lord of tenth house is in second house.
Examples of Devendra Yoga
devendra yoga ni
devendra yoga si
Results of Devendra Yoga

     Devendra Yoga gives one a beautiful appearance, makes a person romantic. They have a good reputation which cannot be tarnished and they live long. They can rise to quite an influential position in government or MNC. In some cases they could be head of their government or organisation. They could enjoy status and luxuries befitting of Indra who is the king of devas.

Remarks on Devendra Yoga

     B. V. Raman notes that there needs to be two Parivartana Yoga. First between ascendant and eleventh house and second between second house and tenth house. Also ascendant should have a fixed sign that is Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius. So basically Devendra Yoga only happens in Taurus Ascendant and Scorpio Ascendant. In Leo Ascendant or Aquarius Ascendant the lord of eleventh house and second house are Mercury or Jupiter respectively so Devendra Yoga cannot occur in them.

     Astrologically speaking having even a single Parivartana Yoga in horoscope is a sure sign that you have done some very good karma in past life. As long as Parivartana Yoga does not involve lords of sixth house, eight house and twelfth house its a reason enough to believe that you can achieve success and happiness in this life with sustained efforts. If you have two Parivartana Yoga in your horoscope than you should rise above ordinary with minimum effort even without Devendra Yoga fructifying in horoscope.

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