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What are Nabhasha Yogas?

     Nabhasha Yogas are yoga mentioned in B. V. Raman's 300 Important Combinations. It is taken from Brihat Jataka authored by Varaha Mihira. According to B. V. Raman the english translation by Professor Surya Narain Rao can be of great help to astrology enthusiasts to understand Nabasha Yogas better. Nabha means nobel high or one with no limit just like sky. Asa or Asha means hope. Similarly having such yogas can give hope of reaching sky.

Categorization of Nabhasa Yogas

     There are a total of thirty-two yogas which fall under Nabhasa Yogas. They can be categorized into

  1. Akriti Yogas which have a total of twenty yogas.
  2. Sankhya Yogas which have a total of seven yogas.
  3. Asraya Yogas which have a total of three yogas.
  4. Dala Yogas which have a total of three yogas.
Views Of Varaha Mihira

     According to Varaha Mihira the effects of Nabhasa Yoga can be felt throughout lifetime. They do not necessarily confine to Dasha(Period) and Antardasha(Subperiod) of the planets causing this yogas.

     In simple terms if Venus, Sun, Moon and Mars cause some yoga then its effects will be felt in Rahu and Jupiter Dasha of vimshottari dasha also. It won't be limited to dasha periods of planets causing these yogas.

Views Of B. V. Raman

     B. V. Raman does not have a strong opinion on Nabhasha Yogas especially Akriti Yogas. He claims they do not contribute much to determining success in horoscope. In B. V. Raman's view Akriti Yogas give clues about means of livelihood a native can have. B. V. Raman himself has acknowledged that he can be wrong with his views which shows his humility inspite of being one of the greatest astrologers of last century.

     B. V. Raman also emphasizes that having any of of Nabhasha Yoga can have some noteworthy effects on aspects of life which are governed by houses where yoga occur. For example a yoga happening in and around second house can have impact on savings and family life of an individual.

BPHS on Nabasha Yogas

     One of the oldest and most trustworthy books on astrology is Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra(BPHS). Surprisingly it also contains a full chapter dedicated to Nabasha Yogas.

Effects Of Nabasha Yogas

     Kalyan Verma in his book Saravali has mentioned about the effects of Nabasha Yoga on native who have these combinations.

    1. Those who are born with one of the Akriti Yogas will be fortunate. They can be quite friendly and get favors from high-ranking individuals as well as famous and influential people.
    2. Those who are born with one of the Sankhya Yogas may live off the wealth of others. They may lack peace in their life.
    3. Natives with Asraya Yogas can be blessed with several amenities, quality life as well as happiness. Kalyan Verman notes that full benefits of Asraya Yogas can only be derived if there are no other Nabasha Yoga formed in chart.
    4. Natives with Dala Yogas can have mixed fortune. Some of them can be happy while others would leave a sad life. Some would gather their own fortune while others may live off other people's hard-earned money.

     We would try and explain every one of the Nabasha Yogas in future articles. Follow us on social media for more updates.

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