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What is Trikonasana?

     Trikonasana is known as triangle pose. Trikon in sanskrit means a triangle and asana means yoga pose so the name Trikonasana.

How to do?

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Benefits of Trikonasana
  • Removes obesity: Those who are suffering from obesity especially around stomach region need to do this yoga pose to remove excess body fat from that area.
  • Removes backache: Those who suffer from backache need to do this yogic pose regularly.
  • Strengthens legs: This yoga pose helps to strengthen your legs, knees and ankles.
  • Improves digestion: This yoga pose is known to improve digestion.
  • Improves mobility: This yoga pose improves movement of hip joints, neck and streches your spine.
  • Streches entire body: Those who sit on a desk job where movement is limited during the entire day benefit the most as this yoga pose streches the entire body from neck to feet thus giving the much needed exercise to the body parts.
  • Increases height: Growing children are recommended to this yoga pose to increase height.

     Trikonasana is also known to provide balance, stambina, energy to the body and focus to the mind. It works as an excellent stress buster.


    Those with neck, shoulder or back injury shouldn't do this yoga. Also pregnant women shouldn't do this yoga pose. Those having sciatia should only do this yoga pose after consultation with the doctor.

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