Astro Isha

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General Characteristics

Libra sign is a movable sign, windy by nature and male by gender. Venus lords over Libra. Some of the greatest leaders of world be it M. K Gandhi, Margaret Thatcher, Nelson Mandela and Narendra Modi were born with Libra Ascendant. It is the ascendant for kings and leaders who would shape the future of people. Ofcourse not everyone turns out like that but they have the right ingredients to change destiny of people especially if Swati nakshatra is rising at time of birth.

Libra is the sign of balance. Here Saturn who loves equality and impartiality gets exalted. While Sun who loves hierarchies and preferential treatment gets debilitated.

Benefics and Malefics

Saturn, Mercury and Venus are benefics. Saturn is the best benefic being lord of fourth house and fifth house.

Sun, Jupiter and Moon are considered malefics for this ascendant.

Mars is a neutral who sometimes gives good results.

Mars is considered a maraka for this ascendant.

Physical Features

Males with Libra ascendant have a tall or medium built. They are slim in early parts of their life but are known to put on weight in later parts of life. They have square or oval faced with long hands and fingers. Skin color maybe on lighter side. Irrelevant of physical looks they have a charm about them which draws others towards them. They can see hairfall as they age and may even go bald in certain cases.


Libra being a sign of balance allows males to anlayze the merits and demerits of a given scenario before arriving to conclusion. They can deliver sound and impartial judgements without favor or malice. This holds especially true if Moon or Saturn occupy the ascendant. Males are fashionistas and fond of colorful dresses and perfumes. They have a very pleasant nature and hate conflicts. On downside they do have the Venusian quality of judging people via clothes and speech. Venus aristocrasy makes them talk and behave in an elegant and dignifed manner most of the times. One of their greatest asset is their ability to connect with poor and working class people.


Males can carve out an excellent career as a fashion or web designer. They can also have a wonderful career in arts, painting, movies and even politics. If Rahu and Saturn are favorable than they may head a state or a country or atleast hold an influential position in power corridors. Their influence over masses can help them reach great career heights as politician or actor. They are born to be leaders who can shape the future of a country with their views. They can also work as actors, movie directors, makeup artists, set designers and VFX artists.

Libra being the sign of balance can allow excellent career as judges in courts. Business related to defense, private practise as lawyer especially criminal cases, metals and surgical equipments can be pursued. They can also own a movie production house. They can also be good farmers and growing fruits can give good income. Also possible are cattle rearing, business related to milk and milk products.

Marriage and Family

Ascendant is lorded by Venus while seventh house which signifies marriage partner is ruled by Mars. Venus and Mars have great sexual chemistry but little or no emotional compatibility. Marriage is primarily based physical attraction rather than emotional understanding. And sometimes the differences start to cause problems once the physical attraction runs out. Spouse signified by Aries is often impatient, has anger issues and prone to knee jerk reactions. Marriage can stay strong inspite of differences but for that the males need to be one who sacrifice and compromise. Many times spouse has dominating personality and may even get physical with male natives when angered.

Males have a much better understanding with their love interest as compared to spouse. Love interest signified by Aquarius would be understanding and caring personality. Aquarius being ruled by Saturn has a much better understanding with Venus ruled Libra. Family can have it share of secrets and atleast one member with vindictive personality. On positive side they can be fiercely loyal and stand by Libra natives in times of need. Mother signified by Capricorn can have a rigid nature but generally trains male natives well. Father signified by Cancer can be the kind and caring parent. Ofcourse if there are malefic influence on fourth and tenth house than there can be frictions and severe misunderstandings with parents especially father.


Libra being a windy ascendant can cause problems related to gas, cough, cold, joint pains and constant headaches. There is a chance for problems in kidneys, urinary tract and bladder especially if ascendant and seventh house are afflicted.


Truthful, balanced in their views, give sound judgement, believe in equality and normally able to take criticism well.


Fashionistas, spendthrift, mock others, often laugh and joke at others expense and prone to showoff.


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