Astro Isha

Site on Vedic Astrology

Libra Ascendant

Libra Sign is a movable sign, windy by nature and male by gender. Venus lords over Libra. Libra is the sign of balance. Here Saturn who loves equality and impartiality gets exalted. While Sun who loves hierarchies and preferential treatment gets debilitated.

Signs for Lovers and Spouse

Fifth house is the house of romance. While seventh house is the house of marriage. Fifth house for Libra Ascendants has Aquarius which is the sign of networking and gains. While seventh house has the energetic and industrious Aries Sign.

General observation is Librans have more emotional compatibility with lovers as compared to spouse. Most times physical attraction plays a huge role in Librans choosing spouse especially if they marry early.

Libra Ascendant Lovers

Libra is ruled by Venus who loves fashion, arts, fragrance, sweets, ornaments and other finer things in life. Librans are more likely to be attracted to lovers who are fashionable, wealthy, artistic and articulate. Ofcourse Libra is the sign of balance and equality. So a lover who is compassionate, believes in equality and justice will also attract Librans towards them.

Lovers for Libra ascendants are defined by Aquarius and its lord Saturn. Aquarius is the sign of networking and many times Librans fall for one of their best friends or social contacts. Alternatively there can be common friend which introduces natives to his/her lover. Lovers often retain qualities of Saturn like hard working nature, being career oriented and practical. Ofcourse negative qualties of Saturn like suspicious nature and pessimism are also quite likely in lovers. Lovers can be insecure at times especially if Libra natives are attractive and have lot of friends of opposite sex.

Chances of love marriage are more if there is MarsxVenus association in horoscope. Physical attraction or material wealth play a huge role in case of love marriage.

Libra Ascendant Marriage

Aries Sign which is ruled by Mars occupies the marriage house. As such spouse is likely to have atleast some traits associated with Aries and Mars. Spouse can be hard working, impulsive and spontaneous personality. Chances of anger and ego issues not entirely ruled out in spouse. Male spouse may either be slim or quite muscular depending on condition of Mars. Female spouse can be slim or possess beautiful curves and a well toned body. Spouse can remain fit, youthful and attractive for a long time especially if he/she exercises regularly.

Libra ascendants often marry early unless there are heavy afflictions to seventh house and twelfth house. As such physical attraction plays a huge role in them choosing their spouse. Often they are infatuated by idea of perfection and showoff. Libra ascendants totally ignore the red flags in spouse and relationships especially if they marry early.

More often than not these red flags which they ignored come back to cause problems in marriage. In case of early marriage its important for Libra ascendants to consider emotional compatibility over physical attraction and material wealth when choosing life partner.

Libra and Balance

Libra is the sign of balance and its symbol is a scale. Librans have a habit of carefully weighing in on options and that sometimes leads to late marriage. Important to stop weighing on options after a certain age and marry a person with whom there is good emotional understanding and comfort level.

Libra loves equality and they often seek a partner who is equal in standing to them. This creates problems especially for natives who are over qualified or highly successful in their career. As such marriage gets severely delayed. Such individuals should choose a partner who is emotionally supportive rather than someone who is equal in standing to them.

Divorce Possibility

Chances of separation and divorce are there for Libra Ascendant. Libra is the sign of balance and they are generally pacifist and seeks harmony. Spouse on other hand is defined by Aries which is chaotic, angry and loves quarreling from time-to-time. If physical attraction and material wealth is the basis of marriage than divorce is much more likely to happen. Spouse can have anger issues and may even resort to physical harm. In such cases its imperative to seek separation at the earliest. Librans are advised not to tolerate an abusive and argumentative spouse.

Just Rough Idea

A rough idea is possible about potential lovers and life partner by studying the ruling signs. Planets and aspects also have a say and above mentioned description may not fit the lovers and spouse.


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