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     The most sought after question in astrology is about marriage especially by first timers taking the plunge. Seventh house is practically the most popular house among the twelve houses as it rules over marriage and defines the marriage partner. Seventh house also looks after business, business partnerships, travels and legal cases. While the accurate details of your life partner cannot be provided atleast a vague idea can be provided through seventh house and planets occupying or aspecting the seventh house.

     Every prospective bride/groom dreams of a perfect life partner. Seventh house is generally considered good if there are aspects of Jupiter, Moon and Venus. Planets located in the seventh house are generally undesirable as they cause delay or divorce. A problematic seventh house could guarantee legal cases. Such people are adviced not to venture into business partnership or sign documents without reading them. People who have late marriages are also likely to have planets like Jupiter, Saturn or Moon in seventh house or bad influences on seventh house. Mars in seventh house is not as bad as made up by astrologers. Though there would definitely be frictions and fights with partner if Mars occupies seventh house. Presence of both Rahu and Ketu is undesirable in the seventh house.

     Seventh house also rules over business and partnership. Failure or success in a business is defined by strength in the seventh house. Whether a person should venture into business partnership is also decided by seventh house. Aspect of planets like Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus is a very good omen for business and partnership. Legal contracts and legal documents are also ruled by seventh house. Those with bad influence on seventh house are advised to keep legal contracts and documents with them to avoid legal cases.

     Leaving the negativity aside seventh house is one of the best houses in horoscope as it shows you your other half. Marriage is a wonderful experience to have. All the negativity combined cannot replace the idea that someone special is there for you through thick and thin, happiness and sorrow, health and sickness and through poverty and wealth sharing every experience that comes along the way. This is the true essence of seventh house- "An agreement which is not breakable, a partnership which is everlasting and a contract which cannot be void".

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