Astro Isha

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     Eight house is also called the house of death and divorce. Its called mrityu sthana(death house) in vedic astrology. It has authority over death, inheritance, secrets, illicit relations, in-laws, hidden wealth and taxation. Eight house is the house of closely guarded secrets, personal desires, immoral acts and hidden wealth which are never meant to revealed to the public. Eight house also deals with lower intestine, anus and testicles.

     One of the dushamsthanas, eight house is the most destructive house in a horoscope. It causes tremendous transformation in lives of an individual which is generally not welcomed and regarded as adversity. People who get too comfortable in life with pace of life and surroundings find it difficult when faced with huge transformation both physical and mental required by eight house. Of course eight house just carries the mandate of karma which would lead the individual to a higher path. At the end of the day it is all a matter of perspective. Some consider transformation as painful while others consider it a blessing in disguise. According to a famous proverb- "One person's funeral is another person's bread". Counselors, therapists, lawyers, escorts, tax department and astrologers thrive on the eight house and problems it creates.

     Eight house is the house of death. When, where and how is the person likely to die can be known through eight house and factors which affect the eight house. While worrying about death is unadvised, one should avoid accidents or mishaps by carefully studying eight house which can accurately describe adversities before they happen. Eight house also deals with inherited wealth and hidden fortune. If you are left with a huge fortune by your forefathers or just found a pot of gold while accidentally digging your house you could be rest assured there is a favorable eight house in your horoscope. If you get hounded by IRS(income tax) or get your dirty linens (affairs, scandals and scams) shown to the public you can be rest assured there is a problematic eight house or bad aspects over it. Saturn is the natural lord for eight house but not favorable in eight house as it gives a bed ridden dependent life prior to slow and painful death. Mars and Sun both cause boils near your rectum and even sometimes account for cruel death through animals or weapons. 

     A lot of matters of eight house remain a mystery to astrology as people are not willing to discuss its matters openly. Astrology is a subject based on social observations and mathematical calculations. As soon as there is secrecy there are difficulties providing accurate information. Leaving that aside it is imperative that some secrets remain secrets and they are only told to trusted sources. Eight house is the house where cycle of birth and rebirth starts. Transformation is the key to change either positive or negative. Eight house is the place where that all important transformation happens.

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