Astro Isha

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     Ninth house is the house of fortune. Also known as bhagya sthana in vedic astrology, ninth house has influence over matters of religion, higher education, long distance travels, divination, philosophy and mysticism. Ninth house is the place where spirit takes over the mind and all the negativity and depression of life is replaced by optimism and broad mindedness. Ninth house encourages a person to find true meaning of life and venture into the unknown with courage and hope. It is the ideal house to its predecessor eight house which destroys.

     One of the Laxmi Sthanas ninth house is the house of good fortune and hope. Jupiter is the natural lord of ninth house although some text mention Sun as its lord. Ninth house along with eleventh house guarantee peace and prosperity to an individual. Although happiness is derived from fourth house, ninth house is the source of finding inner-happiness and peace of mind. Ninth house rules dharma. Dharma doesn't necessarily equate to religion or religious activities. From a astrological point of view dharma actually means duties and obligation that a person has to fulfill. As Shakespeare rightly put it- "The world is a stage and we are all actors". Everyone has to perform a specific task in the big machinery. Ninth house is the place for self-realization. By blessing of the ninth house one becomes aware of his/her dharma or duty as a person. Depending on planets and aspects a person may become religious, seek higher education, wander off to foreign lands and even try asceticism and divination. All of this are just to find the higher purpose in life. When a person finds meaning to his existence he is ready to try and attain his purpose in life through tenth house.

     From materialistic point of view ninth house is the house of fortune. When you want maximum returns from minimum efforts and investment one has to hope for a good ninth house. A powerful ninth house can guarantee a successful, charming and influential individual in the social sphere. Individuals who plan to settle abroad and live a happy life should have a favorable ninth house. Aspirants of higher studies also need to look at the ninth house and favorable aspects on it before applying for higher education. Any sort of association through planets or aspects with Vishnu Sthanas or Laxmi Sthanas is ideal for ninth house. Also association with second house and eleventh house is good. Association with the hell houses is not desirable from a materialistic viewpoint but may not be bad from spiritual perspective. 

    Ninth house is the house that guarantees your life is easygoing and filled with happiness. A person with good ninth house is lucky and gets help in all spheres of life. A person with unfavorable ninth house gets minimum returns through maximum efforts and has to work hard to get anything moving in life. 

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