Astro Isha

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     Second house is a good place to start for those who believe that money is everything. In a nutshell second house deals with savings, speech & familyIt is also called dhana sthana or house of possessions. Matters of money are one of the more frequently asked questions to astrologers along with marriage and career. Many people want to know how much they are going to earn and why isn't their any savings or how could their savings double. Astrologers looks at second house to decipher saving capabilities of an individual. Second house also takes care of family and equation of an individual with the family members. 

     Second house along with eleventh house are the two most revered houses after the Vishnu Sthanas and Laxmi Sthanas. Second house plays an important role in deciding whether investements would yield any dividends and whether savings would multiply or go down the drains. A good planet namely Moon, Venus or Jupiter along with a combination of good signs namely Taurus, Pisces or Cancer can possibly mean great material weath and good relationship with family members. A bad planet and a fiery sign could signal quite a few problems in matters of money & family. A lot depends on combination of planets and astrological sign. 

     Second house also looks after speech and second marriage. Strong Mercury and Venus in second house could ensure native earns a fortune via his/her singing abilities. Fiery planets like Mars or Ketu in second house could mean a native with harsh speech and no family life. Chances of divorce also increase if there are heavy placement of malefics in second house. Second house also deals with family and planets like Venus or Jupiter in second house ensure native has a loving family who stands by him/her through thick and thin.

     Second house is very important as it deals with savings, family and speech. A good second house ensures native is wealthy, has a good loving family and a mesmerizing speech. If there are malefics in second house than native has zero savings, bad blood with family members and rough speech. If there are malefics in second house its ideal to pray to Goddess Saraswati or Lord Krishna.   

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