Astro Isha

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     Laxmi Sthanas are the trine consisting of first house, fifth house and ninth house. They are also known as Trikon Sthana (Triangle Houses). Ironically all the three concerned houses rule dharma. Goddess Laxmi is the wife of Lord Vishnu and goddess of wealth and prosperity. She is also the overseer of fortune and luck. 

     There is a catch to the name Laxmi Sthanas. First house represents character and moral values, Fifth house represents knowledge and wisdom and Ninth house represents faith and religion. Those who have good moral values, possess knowledge and wisdom as well as practice faith and religion are said to gain wealth and prosperity. All the three houses rule dharma so in a way, it can be said that wealth and prosperity comes to those who practice dharma. 

     From an astrological perspective Laxmi Sthanas determine fame, fortune and luck. If the house lords of Laxmi Sthanas form Parivartana Yoga or are located in Vishnu Sthanas than the concerned native is lucky and famous in life. If the house lords of Laxmi Sthanas are in dushamsthanas or debilitated than native maybe bereft of fame and fortune. 

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