Astro Isha

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     Fifth house is the house of romance, fame and instant fortune. Along with the ninth house and twelfth house it is a sure shot guarantee that you would lead a materialistic and pleasurable life. It controls fame, politics, theatre, gambling, knowledge, children and romance. The significator for fifth house is Jupiter in vedic astrology.

     Fifth house is one of the laxmi sthanas. Fifth house is the significator for knowledge. While it is not equivalent to a degree in modern day, knowledge is more important on any day compared to degrees. It provides fame to an individual be it negative or positive. A good planet like Jupiter, Venus or Moon in a favourable sign has a good chance of positive and lasting fame while a negative Rahu or combination with good planets could lead to negative publicity and much public scrutiny. Fifth house also provides chances of gambling and instant fortune. You have quite a good chance of winning a lottery, getting lucky at the casino, drawing huge returns from short-term trading. Fifth house also rules over entertainment and recreation. Success of movies, acting, drama, theatres, music concerts and art exhibition are only possible via blessings of a good fifth house.

     Fifth house along with ninth house in some text represents past life sins/good karmas which give bad or good fruits in this life. Fifth house is also the house of romance. Good planets like Venus and Moon in fifth house provide inseparable love birds. A bad planet like Rahu or Saturn prevent love or cause many break-ups in love life. Fifth house also rules over progeny. A rough idea can be got about the children and their behavior towards the native by judging the fifth house. 

     Those who love arts, movies, music, theatre and social functions need to have a good fifth house to participate in these events regularly. Fifth house also rules over fame and politics. One who wants to draw attention of the crowds needs to have strength in fifth house. Love birds who want to see love and romance thrive in their life need to check strength in the fifth house. Gamblers and stock market traders need to check strength of fifth house for profits. But the most important of all knowledge that a person would have is decided by the fifth house.

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