Astro Isha

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     Eleventh house is known as labh bhava in vedic astrology. Also known as house of gains, eleventh house looks after friendship, elder brothers, network contancts at market place, social progress, oppurtunities for economic growth, gains and profits from market place. The natural lord for eleventh house is Jupiter. Eleventh house determines the income for an individual. If the eleventh house and lord of eleventh house are in good condition then income of an individual remains healthy. The reverse is true if eleventh house and its lord are in bad condition. Eleventh house also manages the quantity and quality of friends. 

     There can be no savings as long as there is not a steady flow of income. It wouldn't be an overstatement to say that atleast savings department of the second house is subservient to the income department of the eleventh house. In modern world where money has gained so much prominense it has led to a scenario where the eleventh house dictates terms on many matters of other houses particularly second house, fifth house and seventh house. No income means no savings. No savings means no marriage. No Marriage means no social identity. While this does not necessarily apply to every individual it holds true for many poor souls. Relationship of eleventh house with other house lords could signal income through multiple portfolio's. The better the condition of eleventh house and eleventh house lord the more beneficial results are obtained in matters of friends, income, social and business connections as well as chances for growth. Reverse is the case when eleventh house and its lord are in problematic condition. While affiliation with the hell houses is not the most ideal scenario it may yield favorable results in the lords of hell house and lord of eleventh house are friendly planets.

    Eleventh house also determines your friends and social circle. No real friends at school, work place or in general life is due to a bad eleventh house. Today eleventh house is much more then means of livelihood and income. It controls your social standing through friends and professional standing through network connections. From a business perspective eleventh house is the house of networks at market place. Any thriving business needs to be in contact with influential people at the market place. A good condition of eleventh house ensures a businessman is always connected with the right people at the right position at the right time.

     Most planets give favorable results in the eleventh house. Jupiter is the best planet to have in the eleventh house as it is the planet of abundance and also the natural lord of eleventh house. It increases income, friends and social prestige and also improves networks and business connections. Mercury gives highly communicative, well-connected friends and friends who have a good intellect. Saturn in eleventh house makes a dedicated worker who improves wealth through sincere hard work. Venus though bad in eleventh house can provide income through arts, fashion and music. Rahu gives material yearnings and increases association with a wide variety of people. 

     Eleventh house is the house which makes or breaks an individual through financial and social means. While it doesn't have much bearing on the individual as a whole for those who put too much emphasis on income it is essential that they have a good eleventh house. 

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