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     Tenth house is the house of career and father. Popularly known as karma bhava in vedic astrology. Sun is the natural lord of tenth house but in some text Saturn is considered as lord for tenth house. It is the house which defines your career and public reputation. Most important of all it defines your purpose in life which when attained can satisfy your birth as a  human. Every human being is sent with a specific purpose which would make a difference in the lives to those around him. 

     Some people are born to be politicians while others are born to be sweepers. The only difference is politicians dirties the system while the sweeper cleans it. So who is more important of the two? You can take a good guess as to who would be approved by people. While the career of a person maybe defined by past life karma the actions in this life define his reputation and future karma. There is nothing to be worried about a job post or public standing. Instead focusing on doing the job with hard work and diligence is the right way to go about life. Regretfully most people worry about their line of work and position more than the quality of work, satisfaction that comes with it and the output delivered to the society. tenth house is also called pitru bhava or father's house. Father's character and personality as well as relationship with child can be known through tenth house. Devil-in-disguise known as the boss as well as familiar foe called mother-in-law are also governed by the tenth house. 

     Tenth house deals with leadership qualities, administration, father and political ambitions. While exact type of profession is better defined through a range of permutation and combinations atleast a rough sketch can be provided by tenth house for people looking at a career choice. Sun in tenth house can give a career in agriculture especially production of food grains but also give career in politics and administration. Moon is good for cultivation of fruits and vegetables as a profession but also good with business of watery goods as well as business on foreign shores. For Mars career in defense sector and medical surgery is a possible option. Mercury can make a good businessman, career in teaching, accounting and software services. Jupiter in tenth house can be good for work in charitable trusts, religious places and fund-raisers. One can also work as a lecturer or diplomat if Jupiter is in tenth house. Venus in tenth house can make a fortune out of selling beauty products, cosmetics, fashion industry as well as design and jewelry. Saturn while gives a good profession in hardware, oil import-export as well as politics, one needs a mention of the pitfalls of Shani in tenth house. Shani has the habit of elevating person to the top of success ladder but afterwards throwing him face first on the ground when he occupies the tenth house. Rahu can make up a good politician or actor if other placements are favorable. Bottom line with Rahu is person puts up a mask. Ketu can make a good doctor, surgeon or even a mercenary.

    Tenth house is the house of career and prestige. The seeds of success or failure are sown in the tenth house. It is the house where your thoughts and actions make or break your reputation. Tenth house also decides whether you would be known for your work or not. 

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