Astro Isha

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Brief Intro

Sun popularly known as Surya in vedic astrology is the king among the planets. Sun is a male planet, royalty in nature and is considered ruling class. Sun rules the east direction and has excess of fire element. Sun's color is red. Sun vimshottari dasha runs for six years.

Exaltion Sign

Sun is exalted in Aries. Highest exaltion degree is 10° in Aries.

Debilitation Sign

Sun is debilitated in Libra. Lowest debilitation degree is 10° in Libra.


Sun owns Leo. Its moola-trikona degree is 0° to 20° in Leo.


Sun owns Krittika, Uttara Phalguni and Uttara Asadha nakshatras.


To strengthen Sun one must wear Ruby ideally on right hand ring finger.

Maturity Age

Sun is said to mature at 22 years of age. As such any positive effect associated with Sun starts at age 22.


Sun considers Moon, Mars and Jupiter as his friends.


Sun considers Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu as his enemies.


Sun remains neutral towards Mercury. But in strong sign forms an auspicious Budh-Aditya Yoga when placed with Mercury.


Sun signifies the ruling class(kings and politicians), east direction, ancestors(pitrus), summer and copper.

Associated Foods

Sun is associated with grains, cotton, red fruits, red pulses, saffron and sandalwood.

Body Parts

Sun represents soul in an individual. Sun also represents head region and right eye.

Will Power

Sun also grants strong will power which can help overcome any obstacles in life.

Positive Traits

Sun provides good administrative skills, confident personality and enterprising nature. Sun will provide an ability to motivate and lead others.

Negative Traits

Sun hates doing menial tasks. Sun refuses to emphathize with others. Sun's confidence often borders on arrogance. Most of the narcissist personalities have Sun in influential position. Sun loves to mock and make fun of other less fortunate souls.


Sun along with ascendant governs overall health of an individual. If Sun is strong than chances of major health problems are comparatively less. Inversely if Sun is weak than there can be many health complications. Normally Sun causes excess Pitta Dosha to increase. There can be heat strokes, fever, problems in eye sight, headache and migraine problems, dehydration, acid reflux and GERD due to Sun.

Associated Career

Sun can allow career as a successful politician, as an MNC employee or in a secure government job. There is also a chance to do farming especially cultivation of grains, yellow pulses and turmeric. There is a chance to work as an independent contractor for government works. Sun can give an ideal career in management and consultancy roles. Sun is significator of health and as such can provide work as health and fitness expert. Sun represents confidence and may provide work as motivational coach or speaker. Strong Sun can provide career as a senator, MP, MLA or a diplomat. Sun represent intelligence and soul and can give good knowledge of religion, spirituality, inner self and occult subjects like astrology, tarots, palm reading etc. Business related to consultancy, management, motivation, farming, fitness and spirituality can be pursued.


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