Astro Isha

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Brief Intro

Moon popularly known as Chandra in vedic astrology is the planet of emotions and care. Moon is a female planet and represents the business class. Moon rules the north-west direction and has excess of water element. Moon's color is white. Moon's vimshottari dasha runs for ten years.

Exaltion Sign

Moon is exalted in Taurus. Highest exaltion degree is 3° in Taurus.

Debilitation Sign

Moon is debilitated in Scorpio. Lowest debilitation degree is 3° in Scorpio.


Moon owns Cancer. Its moola trikona sign is 4° to 30° in Taurus.


Moon owns Rohini, Hasta and Shravana nakshatras.


To strengthen Moon one must wear pearl in silver ideally on right hand little(pinky) finger.

Maturity Age

Moon is said to mature at 24 years of age. As such any positive effect associated with Moon starts at age 24.


Moon considers Sun and Mercury as his friends.


Moon considers Rahu and Ketu as his enemies.


Moon remains neutral towards Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn.


Moon signifies mother, silver, rainy season, milk producing animals and water.

Associated Foods

Moon is associated with rice, milk and milk products, cashewnuts, raddish, coconut among other things

Body Parts

Moon represents mind of an individual. Over and above it also represents the left eye.

Positive Traits

Moon provides genuine care, concern and empathy for others. Over and above it also provides beauty, smartness and good imagination.

Negative Traits

Moon provides pacifist and emotional nature. Moon cannot handle stress, adversities and negativity well.


Moon represents mind of an individual. Most of the disease related to mind like depression, social anxiety, phobias, epilepsy, schizophrenia, mood disorders and other mental issues are caused by afflictions to the Moon.

Over and above afflicted Moon can also cause disease related to Kapha Dosha like cough, cold, typhoid, jaundice, diarrhea, disease of lungs and other water and blood related diseases and disorders.

Associated Career

Moon is the planet of care and concern. Any career which deals with empathy, care and concern like counseling, social work, psychiatrist, healing and emotional support can be pursued. Moon can also provide excellent career in food, catering, hotel and hospitality sector. Moon's element is water and any water related career like shipping, water purification, marine biologist and water conservation can provide good career. Moon also deals with livestocks and career in animal husbandry is ideal. Selling milk and milk products is also possible. In farming growing juicy fruits and vegetables is ideal. Starting import-export business via waterways especially sea route, handling cargos at ports and even opening sea food restaurant is suited. Moon can provide good returns from business related to silver, pearl and other white items. Moon can also allow working as an HR in reputed companies.


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