Astro Isha

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Brief Intro

Mars is popularly known as Mangal in vedic astrology. Mars is a male planet and represents the warrior class. Mars is considered army general among the planets. Mars rules the south direction and has excess of fire element. Color of Mars is red. Mars vimshottari dasha runs for seven years.

Exaltion Sign

Mars is exalted in Capricorn. Highest exaltion degree is 28°.

Debilitation Sign

Mars is debilitated in Cancer. Lowest debilitation degree is 28°.


Mars owns Aries and Scorpio Signs. Its moola trikona sign is Aries from 0° to 12°


Mars owns Mrigashira, Chitra and Dhanistha nakshatras.


To strengthen Mars one must wear red coral on ring finger.

Maturity Age

Mars is said to mature at 28 years of age. As such any positive effect associated with Mars starts after age 28.


Mars considers Sun, Moon and Jupiter as his friends.


Mars considers Mercury, Rahu and Ketu as his enemies.


Mars remains neutral towards Venus and Saturn.


Mars signifies brothers, enemies, courage, fire, anger and blood.

Associated Foods

Mars is associated with red pulses, masoor dal(red/orange lentils), pomegranates, red meat and other red food items.

Body Parts

Mars represents muscles and blood especially RBC.

Positive Traits

Mars blesses individuals with quick thoughts and actions. Mars also provides courage, hard work and tenacity which can help overcome any odds.

Negative Traits

Mars gives excess anger, frustration and reckless behavior. Mars lacks patience and perseverance.


Mars represents muscles and RBC in blood. Normal observation is those with anemia have weak Mars. Those with weak Mars lack in energy and always look tired and exhausted. Those who have uncontrolled anger, emotional outbursts and violent nature may have afflicted Mars. Those with high blood pressure and anger related mental disorders have afflicted Mars.

Mars can also cause disease related to Pitta Dosha like pimples, piles and fever. It can also cause fatal injuries, breaking of bones, tearing of muscles and other heat related disorders. Mars represents weapons and surgical equipments. Wherever Mars is placed there is a chance for injuries, weapons attack and surgeries on that part..

Associated Career

Mars represents the warrior class and is an action oriented planet. As such career in army, navy, airforce, as a elite commando or in police is a possibility. Business related to weapons manufacturing, import-export of weapons, surgical equipments, iron and other metals can be pursued. Mars can also give an excellent career as a surgeon. Career as an actor is a possibility. As a matter of fact many actors have strong Mars in their horoscope. Mars oriented person will be highly valued in places where quick thoughts, fast actions and time bound delivery is required. Mars represents spices and opening a fast food restaurant is a possibility. There is also a chance to be involved in automobile, aeronautics, software, hardware, civil and other engineering fields which require building things. Mars can also work in disaster relief and management.


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