Astro Isha

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Brief Intro

Mercury is popularly known as Budh in vedic astrology. Mercury is considered as eunuch and given the title of prince among planets. Mercury is young, talkative and smart. Mercury is a very impressionable planet and takes in qualities of his co-tenants both good and bad. Mercury rules the north direction and has excess of earth element. Color of Mercury is green. Mercury vimshottari dasha runs for seventeen years.

Exaltion Sign

Mercury is exalted in Virgo. Highest exaltion degree is 15°.

Debilitation Sign

Mercury is debilitated in Pisces. Lowest debilitation degree is 15°.


Mercury owns Gemini and Virgo. Moola trikona sign is 15° to 20° in Virgo.


Mercury owns Ashlesha, Jyestha and Revati nakshatras.


To strengthen Mercury one must wear green emerald(panna).

Maturity Age

Mercury is said to mature at 32 years of age.


Mercury considers Sun, Venus and Saturn as his friends.


Mercury considers Moon as his enemy.


Mercury remains neutral towards Mars, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu.


Mercury signifies intelligence, speech, skin, youth, bronze and brass.

Associated Foods

Mercury is associated with mung beans(vigna radiata), green fruits and vegetables.

Body Parts

Mercury represents skin and tongue.

Positive Traits

Mercury blesses individuals with high intelligence, eloquent and articulate speech, good mimicry skills, sharp memory and keen observation skills. It also gives good calculative and analytical skills.

Negative Traits

Mercury makes one talkative, argumentative, mocking personality, gossip monger, lazy, harsh critic and provides loose tongue.


Mercury represents speech and skin among other things. Most of those who stammer and stutter or have other speech related problems may have afflicted Mercury. Most of skin problems including vitiligo, psoriasis and others are caused due to affliction to Mercury. Mercury also deals with neurological system. And afflicted Mercury can cause slow mental growth and even severe disease like down syndrome.

Mercury can also cause disease related to Pitta Dosha like indigestion and acid reflux. Since Mercury rules earth element there is a chance to get stones in various body parts including kidneys, bladder, pancrease, gallbladder etc.

Associated Career

Mercury represents the business class and is a calculative and argumentative planet. As such career as chartered accountant, lawyer, stock broker, banker and mathematician is highly suited. Mercury can also give career as a teacher, lecturer, diplomat, journalist and content writing. Mercury has excellent logical and analytical skills. As such working in data analytics, as a software coder or chip designer is possible especially if Mars or Saturn are co-tenants. Mercury is an excellent mimicry artist and can give good career in television and as a standup comedian. Mercury represents intelligence and many of the foremost scientists have Mercury in strong position. Mercury is lazy so jobs which require intense physical labour should be avoided.


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