Astro Isha

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About Ashlesha

     Ashlesha is the ninth nakshatra among the 27 nakshatras studied in Vedic Astrology. It is ruled by Mercury and all the four padas are located in Cancer sign. The symbol for Ashlesha is a coiled snake and presiding diety is naga(snake). According to Valmiki Ramayan the twin brothers Laxman and Shatrughan were born in this nakshatra. 

Physical Features

     Natives have a penetrating glare which can hypnotise and mesmerise those around them. Also they have an intriguing speech and a way with words. They have a stout body and fair complexion. They do not have much resistance power. Looks are attractive and appealing.

Character and General Events

     Natives have to accept responsibility at a very young age due to unforeseen circumstances like parents untimely death or other issues in family. This makes the native very possessive in nature for other relationship as he/she can't stand the sight to lose them. Inspite of emotional insecurities the natives can be quite self-centred. While they are open to criticising others they do not welcome personal criticism.

     Native is emotionally insecure and seldom suffer from mental diseases like schizophrenia and paranoia. Mercury and Moon relationship is a doorway to mental diseases as Mercury rules the nervous system while Moon rules the mind. Moon located in nakshatra of Mercury in the sign of Moon isn't something very comforting but that does not mean natives do not make something out of themselves. The nakshatra Ashlesha is very resourceful and ultimately the natives attain the desired success through their resourcefulness. 

Education and Career

     They make quite good politicians with their mesmerising body language and attractive speeches. The most ideal career would be as a general physician, doctor or pharmacists. Career in politics, as a psychologist, applied medicines, chemical engineer and as a chemist is possible. Some natives can be into illegal jobs like sex trafficking.

Family Life

     Often have to separate from parents when Ashlesha nakshatra is in Ascendant. Moon in Ashlesha makes a native insecure and sometimes leads to suspicion and worries. Native is advised to provide the necessary space to the partner which is needed for their relationship to thrive. Too much criticism and poisonous tongue can also damage relationship. As long as male or female native avoid criticism, suspicion and harsh speech, marriage would work out just fine. Otherwise difficulties could follow in married life.


     Mental disease are possible for Ashlesha natives. Also flatulence and other stomach problems are also possible.


     Intelligent, learned, mesmerising, leadership qualities.


     Mental instability, deceitful, possessive, secretive and talkative.

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