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About Hasta

     Hasta is the the thirteenth nakshatra among the 27 nakshatras studied in vedic astrology. All the four padas are located in Virgo Sign. The gana(trait) is Devta(God) and the presiding deity is Savitr who is one of the 12 Adityas. Hasta nakshatra is ruled by Moon and located in the sign of Mercury. This awkward Moon-Mercury relationship can sometimes cause nervous disorders as Mercury(who rules the nervous system) and Moon(who rules the mind) are planetary enemies.

Physical Appearance

     Female natives can be chubby with a fat stomach and prominent breasts. Males though simple looking possess an attractive personality which attracts others towards them. Both male and female natives could be tall with scar on upper right hand or below shoulders.

Character and General Events

     Females born in Hasta nakshatra have a kind and loving personality but could be lazy. Females only work when required but handle task cheerfully and with energy. Female natives are generally cheerful and do not stay angry for long. Males born in Hasta are clever, witty and entertaining. They like to keep company of females. Hasta natives of both gender are a great company to have. Natives are unable to adapt to new technology and thoughts and prefer the old traditions and customs. Hasta natives get respect and honor from public. Stability in life is less owing to mental, physical and social factors. 

Education and Career

     Moderate success is observed for natives with help coming from unexpected quarters. Natives are better to pursue a career in business and can make good advisers. A good all round knowledge is observed in the natives and capability to solve disputes peacefully is a trait among natives. Period from 30 to 42 years is golden period of life. Career as craftsmen, artist, writers, painters, teachers, adviser, volunteer work. hospital staff, counselors, astrologer, travel industry and comedians is possible.

Family Life

     Hasta natives have a tendency to give parental guidance especially in a relationship. They do not see their partner as their equal but rather someone who needs parenting. Marriage for Hasta natives is more satisfying in later years. Partner is simple, devoted and capable. No major problems are indicated in married life unless there are other bad planetary combinations or aspect.


     Natives may suffer from bad health especially cough and cold. Females may also suffer from rheumatism and piles. Nervous disorders are a possibility


     Creative, humorous, practical and pleasant personality


     Emotional instability and bad health

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