Astro Isha

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     Sixth house is also called house of enemies and debts. No matter how rich or influential a person becomes as long as there is sickness and enemies in his/her life he/she cannot enjoy peace and happiness. A sick person can be surrounded by heavenly angels, given elixir and nectar and provided with all the comforts and luxuries which money can afford yet when there is sickness and diseases there is no way he/she would enjoy them. From an astrologers perspective sixth house is the key to unlocking mysterious health conditions, debts or career as an employee. It is one of the dushamsthanas

     Sixth house is the significator for servants, maternal uncle and aunts, enemies, diseases and debts. Sixth house gives concise information about diseases and type of diseases which plague the human body. For example Venus in sixth house gives high probability for diabetes, drug-addiction and also increases the chances of sexually transmitted diseases. Jupiter gives obesity and gluttony. Mercury gives a weak mind and nervous disorders but sometimes there can be problems of indigestion and kidney stones. Sun gives boils and all sorts of skin problems. Ketu gives problems of intestine. Surprisingly planets like Saturn, Mars and Rahu give good results especially in an influential sign. Major sports stars and some politicians have an influential sixth house. Placement of a dushamsthana lord in sixth house gives a wealth yoga called Vipreeta Raj Yoga in which person rises from ashes like phoenix and becomes successful in his life.

     Sixth house is also the house of debts. It gives a surprisingly clear insight on the matters and subjects where there are high chances of creating a debt. By carefully looking into the sixth house an individual can know where to invest/not invest his/her fortune so that he/she can gain profit and avoid debt. Sixth house is also house of enemies. The more hostile planets in hostile sign the more chances of a person having enemies. Some maybe disguised as friends and well-wishers. Sixth house is the best bet to finding your enemies and ways to counter them. Over and above that addictions of any type can be deciphered using planets located in the sixth house. Sixth house is also the house of servants. In simpler terms whether you are born to be satisfied with your office role or whether there are chances to open your business can be know through combination of sixth house and tenth house. If there are more placement and aspects of planet on sixth house and no real strength in the tenth house your entire life would be spent as an employee or as a person who gives maximum service for minimum returns. 

     Sixth house is one of the hell houses but when there exist problems in life there also exists solutions to overcome those problems. When there are diseases there can a search for cures. When there is a debt there is the will and effort to eradicate that debt. When there are enemies in life than people become smart and conscious as to not slip up. Sixth house is the house which creates problems and obstructions in order for an individual to grow by overcoming them. 

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