Astro Isha

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Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies

     On a universal note love is eternal and boundless and only Sun is the planet which can offer love that pure. But today love can be defined as desire by two individuals to stay together come what may. That is defined by Venus.

     When you fall in love with someone it is only natural to have a desire to spend more time with him/her. Generally Venus, seventh house and its lord, fifth house and its lord would be the deciding factors for start of a relationship and wanting to live your life with the concerned person. Fifth house defines love and romance a person would have while seventh house shows how his/her marriage life would shape out. Twelfth house would define how his sex life would be.

     Sixth house is the house of disagreements and fights. Eight house is the house of divorce. If there are heavy influences on sixth house than there would be frequent fighting after marriage. If there are bad influences on eight house than divorce is a possibility.

     While seventh house definitely defines marriage other things like love, sex, divorce and fights are not always decided by seventh house. Its necessary to analyze the other mentioned house or get them analyzed by an astrologer to see how your love and marriage life would shape out.

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