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New software to check chances of divorce in horoscope: Divorce Chances

Stages of relationships

     Every marriage passes through three stages which decide the future of that marriage.

  1. Blind Love: This is the stage in which one cannot see anything wrong with the object of affection. He/She appears to be the most handsome/beautiful and most perfect person in the universe. There is no one who is more smart, wonderful and caring then him/her.
  2. Reality Check: This is the stage where pheromone levels drop down and mind starts to see things clearly and rationally. Finally all those imperfections which he/she overlooked in the partner a long time ago become obvious. Now these imperfections and drawbacks in partner start frustrating the native.
  3. Acceptance: The best stage of all the three. Here the native knows the virtues and drawbacks of the partner and yet he/she chooses to accept it and grow together with partner. This is the stage where every couple or potential couple should be but some quit after stage 2.
Other reasons for divorce

     Divorce is associated with the second phase of relationships which shows reality of the partner to the native. The birth time reasons for divorce are explained in the article: Astrological Reasons For Divorce. Over and above that there are other temporary factors which contribute to divorce as mentioned below:

  1. Sub-period of twelfth house or second house lord(For first marriage only).
  2. Ketu's transit through eight house or second house brings a strong disconnection.
  3. Saade-Sati which brings everything that is not necessary to an end. That includes relationship.
  4. Ketu vimshottari period of seven years which brings a strong desire to severe worldly ties and seek recluse.
Wait before re-marrying

     In case one decides to separate from partner it is necessary to wait some period out before trying option of a new relationship. Reason is simple. Sometimes some quiet time cools off nerves and person starts thinking rationally. There could be reconciliation with the partner and sorting of minor differences. If you hurry into a new relationship with past regrets, anger and resentment you would very well spoil your new relationship also. Even counselors and judge who handles relationship cases advise such initiative.

Try Healing Touch

     Divorce should only be the last option for a married couple. Before that they should try to work out differences, put aside egos and try their best for reconciliation. Its better to visit a marriage counselor in such scenarios as they are trained to handle such delicate issues. Also advisable is seeking guidance of family members and friends who can give sound and logical advise. Astrologers who can act as counselors should be consulted and not the ones who love to forecast doomsday based on planetary transits.

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