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New software to check chances of divorce in horoscope: Divorce Chances

Friction Timings

     When you are in a relationship there are bound to be some differences. Some couples learn to move forward with the differences while others take the easy route of separation. Vedic astrology cannot control fate but it can sure predict likely times when frictions, misunderstandings, dissatisfaction and anger could increase in a married life. Below are the possible reasons for divorce. Generally speaking one of the below mentioned factors would definitely be the trigger for divorce in married life.


     Saade-Sati brings an end to everything that is holding the native back and what is not required for native in the long run. Saturn loves social norms and standing in the society so he would definitely resist divorce. But the overwhelming burden and pressure on mind caused by intense period of Saade-Sati is sure to trigger most couples with differences to think of divorce. Normally if both partners are having Saade-Sati then they are sure to opt for divorce. In a Saade-Saati a native is physically tired and mentally exhausted by Saturn's intense hardships. He/She has no capacity to work out little differences.

     All said and done Saturn loves social conformity. Saturn would definitely give enough time for couple to reconcile and those who keep their heads in check are sure to come out of Saade-Saati with the relationship intact. So think of Saade-Saati as testing times for a relationship. Do not think of it as apocalypse and doomsday for relationship.

Ketu transit

     Ketu is a prime agent which triggers detachment in life. When a person all of a sudden loses interest in a relationship there are high chances that he is under influence of Ketu in one way or other. For first marriage generally the transit via second house or eight house creates emotional detachment from the spouse. And in eighteen months the native does the unthinkable and divorces the partner. When sanity does return it maybe too late for native to reconcile. It is imperative to check if ketu is travelling via second house or eight house and avoid to separate. Praying to Lord Ganesha calms down the bad effects of Ketu.

Dasha period

     Vimshottari dasha period can also predict likely bad times and possible divorce in marriages. Dasha or bhukti period of Ketu, that of a dushamsthana lord or enemy planets period-sub-period(For example: Saturn Period-Sun Sub-period or Rahu Period and Jupiter Sub-period) can also trigger enmity, dissatisfaction's, misunderstandings and eventually divorce. Ketu periods-sub periods are the most deadly. Ketu is another name for detachment and separation in astrological view.

Use a healing touch

     When marriage has some differences the most fundamental flaw that fighting couples do is to ask relationship advise from those who have no idea how to handle relationship issues. That could be friends or family members with no experience in calming marriage problems or sometimes an astrologer who is more interested in getting his prediction right rather than help the fighting couples reconcile.

     Always try to visit a relationship counselor first cause they have been trained to help sort out differences. Also talk to family members and friends who know how to help reconcile small petty issues.

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