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Finding Right Partner Video
Dilemma for brides/grooms

     Its quite difficult to find the right partner in marriage. After all most girls want to marry the rich and handsome guy. Most boys want to marry a beautiful and fair maiden. Unfortunately fate decides whom and when we marry. Marriage is about two people wanting to share their lives together but it wouldn't be wrong to say that social prestige is also defined by person you marry.

Finding right partner

     While astrology cannot fix you with the partner of your dreams, it can help you find the person with whom you can happily share your life. The seventh house and influence on it decide whom you should marry. There are times when native marries someone of his/her age and a partner who hadn't been previously involved with anyone, there are other times when native may have to select someone considerably younger/older or someone who had been involved with others, there are also times when they need to marry divorcee partners. Native may even opt for same sex marriage depending on certain combinations in horoscope.

Marrying first timers

     When there are no evil influence on seventh house and when there are benefic planets like Jupiter, Moon or Venus in seventh house than marriage partner would be handsome or beautiful depending on gender. Marriage even if late would be a good experience and it would be both partners first time marriage. Partner and native both get on happily with each other. Chances of divorce are less in such cases.

Marrying older/younger partners

     There are certain times when native marries someone much older or younger than him/her. When Saturn(signifies old age) is with Mercury(signifies youth) the marriage may well be to a person much younger than the native. Also there are high chances of marriage in old age. When there is Leo Ascendant than native marries someone much older than him or her. It may actually work in favor of natives who have Leo Ascendant or combinations like Saturn+Mercury, Saturn+Jupiter or Jupiter+Mercury to marry someone with a considerable age difference. A person who has been previously involved in a relationship may also work. Unless evils do not influence the seventh house and eight house, marriage works out quite well in such cases.

Marrying divorcees

     When there are evil influences of Rahu, Ketu, Mars and Saturn on seventh house via aspect or placement it is quite prudent to marry a divorcee partner. The marriage partner who has already suffered in previous marriage and broken up would make that extra effort to make things work in the second marriage be it a male or a female partner. Natives with evil influences in seventh house would do well to try this road as it may work in their favor. If they opt for fresh marriage then there are high chances of divorce. Having said that final decision should be with the native.

Same-sex marriage

     Sometimes same sex marriage may also work in few natives favor. There are times when Saturn(eunuch) and Mercury(eunuch) combine with male or female planets in certain houses. While this may not always be the case these combinations drive natives to be bi-sexual or homosexual. Marriage isn't really about vows but rather a contract to stay together. So it doesn't really matter if natives exchange marriage vows or not. The important thing should be that both partners are committed to staying together. 

Finding the right person

     Natives often can't find the right marriage partner cause they are always looking at the wrong places and wrong people. First know the right place where to find the marriage partner via Find Your Future Spouse. Then find the right person to whom you should marry. Finally there should be a desire to stay through thick and thin with that person. The essence of a successful marriage is a lot of understanding and a bit of compromise. Dave Muerer is perfectly right when he says: "A great marriage is not when the perfect couple comes together but when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences."

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