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New software to check chances of divorce in horoscope: Divorce Chances

     In Vedic Astrology there is a concept known as retrograde planets. They are called vakri grahas(back moving). In reality planets don't move in retrograde direction. Due to rotation of earth and other planets around Sun it appears sometimes that other planets are moving in reverse direction. There are five planets and two shadow planets involved in retrograde movement. They are Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. Rahu and Ketu are the shadow planets which are always in retrograde movement. But other five planets sometimes appear in retograde movement when observed from earth. 

     The retrograde movement called vakri graha is quite an important issue when judging strength and weakness of horoscope. Benefic planets like Jupiter, Mercury and Venus in retrograde movement could give rise to neecha bhanga raja yoga if there are other conditions which are met. There the person turns from beggar to a king. But there are times when retrograde movement turns a disaster for native especially for marriage life. If there is a retrograde planet in seventh house or if the planet which rules the seventh house is retrograde then there are high chances of divorce. Rahu and Ketu are forever retrograde and when they occupy the seventh or eight house there are high chances of divorce. Malefic planets like Saturn, Rahu, Mars and Ketu in retograde movement and influencing the seventh house of marriage would likely cause divorce. Only redemption here could be if there is a positive aspect on the seventh house or strength in the navamsha chart(D-9 chart).

     Other combinations in horoscope could also suggests divorce. It is not always the fault of retrograde planets alone. Also retrograde planets in seventh house doesn't always mean divorce. But chances do increase for divorce if there are retrograde planets present or aspecting the seventh house especially malefic planets like Saturn, Mars, Rahu or Ketu.


The Original Article on this topic was written by Dr. Pankaj Nagar and Dr. Rohan Nagar in Monday edition of newspaper Divya Bhaskar in 2012. 

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