Check if you have Mangal Dosha using our new software: Mangal Dosha Calculator
Mangal Dosha is said to occur when Mars occupies the first house, second house, fourth house, seventh house, eight house and twelfth house in a horoscope counted from Moon or Ascendant. Below images show how a Mangal Dosha is formed in a horoscope. Chances of having Mangal Dosha in horoscope are more than 50%.

Natives with prominent Mars display uncontrolled anger. They are like an active volcano ready to erupt anytime. It is impossible for those around to bear them. In support of natives with Mangal Dosha they actually are people who cannot stand wrong in the society. They raise their voice and get into arguments and fights with others at home and outside home.
Some astrologers suggest that those with Mangal Dosha should not marry before twenty-eight years of their life. Some astrological texts mention Mars in horoscope matures after twenty-eight years of life have passed. There is some logic in this as those who are young generally marry due to strong physical attraction. Its better if they mature and look at the bad side of partner also before getting married. A native with Mangal Dosha can marry early as long as he/she understands the pros and cons of marriage.
When Mars is present/aspects the eight house than astrologers generally warn that death of partner is possible after marriage and native must perform some sort of ritual to get rid of problem. This isn't entirely true. A horoscope decides fate of the native, not his/her partner. The partners fate is decided by his/her horoscope. So if there is early death than there should definitely be some combination in partners horoscope which suggests such outcome.
Its not advisable to match Mars with Saturn or Mars as some astrologers do. Matching Mars with Mars is like asking a lion and tiger to co-exist together. Matching Mars against Saturn is equally bad. Saturn is opposite in terms of personality to Mars and matching Mars with Saturn in a horoscope may bring divorce or lead to an unhappy marriage.
Mangal Dosha can be nullified if Mars is matched with Jupiter or Moon. Both are kind and generous planets and good friends of Mars. Mars although very angry at times cools down to the emotional and caring Moon. Mars also respects the kind and intelligent Jupiter. Normally when Mars is matched against Jupiter or Moon it ensures marriage stays strong and there is very good chemistry with the spouse.
Mangal Dosha natives have a lot of anger and frustration in them. They need to understand anger isn't a solution to everything. If they don't let go of anger than divorce is likely. They need to learn the art of compromise and adjustment which are required for any marriage to last. Marriage is all about accepting the good and bad of partner.
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