Astro Isha

Site on Vedic Astrology

Virgo Ascendant

Virgo Sign is a dual-sign, earthy by nature and female by gender. Virgo is a calculative and practical sign. This is where the analytical Mercury gets exalted and romantic Venus gets debilitated. Virgo is a good ascendant for career but less ideal for romance and marriage.

Signs for Lovers and Spouse

Fifth house is the house of romance. While seventh house is the house of marriage. Fifth house for Virgo Ascendants has the boring, meticulous and patient Capricorn Sign. While seventh house has the kind, caring and compassionate Pisces Sign.

General observation is love life is less than satisfactory for Virgo ascendants. And marriage is more about social standing rather than personal comfort.

Virgo Ascendant Lovers

Virgo's symbol is a virgin maiden. And like its symbol Virgo's are infatuated with purity and virginity especially if Moon or Venus are also placed in Virgo. Many times Virgo ascendants knowingly avoid any romantic liason prior to marriage. They themselves close the door to romance, passion and love in their life prior to marriage. Ofcourse not everyone can control their harmones. Unfortunately Capricorn in house of romance doesn't allow them to find a lover easily.

Lovers for Virgo ascendants are defined by Capricorn and its lord Saturn. Capricorn is boring, meticulous, hard working and thinks for long-term. Saturn is slow and methodical who loves hard work and patience. Virgo's find it extremely hard to convince lovers to enter in a romantic relationship with them. The practical and realistic Virgo's are extremely comfortable with their lovers who are ambitious and focused on their goals. Virgo ascendant is one of the best ascendants for those who wish to remain in a live-in relationship.

In case of JupiterxMercury association in horoscope there is far more chance of intellectual attraction to lovers while in case of MarsxVenus association there is more chance of physical attraction to lovers. There are more chances of lover becoming spouse in case of JupiterxMercury association in horoscope.

Virgo Ascendant Marriage

Pisces Sign which is ruled by Jupiter occupies the marriage house. As such spouse is likely to have atleast some traits associated with Pisces and Jupiter. Spouse can be kind, caring, compassionate, most likely fair and probably a bit obese. Alternatively spouse can put on weight after marriage. In most cases spouse is the better half in marriage. The practical and calculative Virgo natives sometimes get annoyed with their spouse who are emotionally available for everyone in need and many people take undue advantage of kindness of their spouse.

Virgo ascendants generally marry for societal acceptance rather than personal compatibility. They often seek perfection is spouse which many times leads to late marriage. If married early habit of criticizing spouse eventually leads to differences in marriage.

Virgo's should avoid being critical, jealous or envious of their spouse. They should understand no marriage is perfect, no person without their share of flaws and no relationship without its share of problems.

Yin and Yang

Virgo's are competitive and often compete with their spouse or with other couples. They fail to understand that spouse is there to complete them, not to compete with them. With all of partner's imperfection he/she is still yang to their yin. Partner is there to bring joy, happiness and positivity in their life which they often lack. Partner is there to remind them that life doesn't have to be a competition or race all the time. Life is a wonderful joyous experience which needs to be lived and enjoyed.

Just Rough Idea

A rough idea is possible about potential lovers and life partner by studying the ruling signs. Planets and aspects also have a say and above mentioned description may not fit the lovers and spouse.

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