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Leo Ascendant

Leo is a fixed sign, fiery by nature and male by gender. Sun is lord of this ascendant. Natives are endowed with all the qualities of Sun like confidence, royalty, splendor and extravagence. It also gives good leadership skills especially if Sun and tenth house are endowed with strength. Leo is the most confident and enterprising sign among the twelve zodiac signs.

Signs for Lovers and Spouse

Fifth house is the house of romance. While seventh house is the house of marriage. Fifth house for Leo Ascendants has religious and learned Sagittarius Sign. While seventh house has sign of networking and research Aquarius.

Leo's are romantic and expressive personalities. But their romantic life and marital happiness may not turn out as expected. Below are the likely qualities that Leo Ascendant are likely to find in lovers and spouse.

Leo Ascendant Lovers

Lovers for Leo's have qualities associated with Sagittarius and its lord Jupiter. Sagittarius is a fiery sign and signifies religion, spirituality and higher learning. It also signifies long-distance travels. Jupiter is learned, religious, has deep knowledge and wisdom. Lovers are drawn towards knowledge, wisdom, higher learning spirituality and long-distance travels.

Leo's are extrovert and quite expressive. They are also fun loving and extravagant personalities who love entertainment, music and parties. Only thing Leo's share in common with Sagittarius lovers is their desire for travels. There are more chances of love marriage if Leo's meet their lovers in school, colleges or offices and if there is MarsxVenus association in their horoscope.

Leo Ascendant Spouse

Aquarius Sign which is ruled by Saturn occupies the seventh house. As such spouse is likely to have atleast some traits associated with Aquarius and Saturn. Both Aquarius and Saturn are serious, career oriented and a bit boring for liking of Leo natives. Spouse maybe simple and less conscious about looks and image. Aquarius is the sign of networking and gains. As such spouse may have quite a few contacts, can be career oriented and money minded.

Spouse can have nervous breakdowns particularly if seventh house and its lord Saturn are afflicted. Spouse can be simple and reserved person who dislikes excess showoff, fun loving persona and extravagant lifestyles of Leo natives. In most marriage spouse will play second fiddle to Leo natives.

Drop The Ego

Spouse of Leo ascendants generally chose them for their looks and confident personality. Spouse is self reliant and can manage their livelihood without help of Leo's. As such its important Leo's do not become prideful or boastful in marriage. Spouse signified by Aquarius maybe simple and submissive but remains quite firm in matters of principles. Spouse signified by Aquarius and Saturn would tolerate boastful, flamboyant and care free nature of Leo's but never forgive personal insults.

Leo's should be extremely careful not to let ego get in way of relationship especially if spouse has a good career. Spouse may suffer from emotional breakdown once in a while and Leo's need to emotionally comfort them during those tough times. Leo's should also respect Aquarius spouse's need to privacy and quiet time.

Just Rough Idea

A rough idea is possible about potential lovers and life partner by studying the ruling signs. Planets and aspects also have a say and above mentioned description may not fit the lovers and spouse.

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