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Cancer Ascendant

Cancer is a movable sign, watery by nature and female by gender. Moon is lord of this ascendant. Shri Ram was born with Cancer Ascendant. This is one of the best ascendants for both males and females as it gives a genuine personality with caring and compassionate attitude. Ofcourse malefic influence in ascendant can make one an emotional mess.

Signs for Lovers and Spouse

Fifth house is the house of romance. While seventh house is the house of marriage. Fifth house for Cancer Ascendants has discreet and vindictive Scorpio Sign. While seventh house has serious and workaholic Capricorn Sign. Below are the likely qualities that Cancer Ascendant are likely to find in lovers and spouse.

Cancer Ascendant Lovers

Scorpio is ruled by Mars. As such lovers normally are loyal and care deeply for Cancer natives. Lovers can go out of their way to help Cancer natives out of troubles. Lovers could sacrifice their happiness for sake of Cancer natives. On downside Scorpio is full of doubts, envy and insecurities. Lovers cannot tolerate natives being friends with opposite sex. Lovers will keep prying into personal lives of Cancer natives.

Scorpio lovers may love deeply but they can hate just as deeply. In case lovers feel they are manipulated or cheated than they can make life of Cancer natives a miserable hell. Lovers could even cause physical harm if they feel cheated or being used. The over bearing and insecure personality of lovers sometimes causes emotional stress for Cancer natives. As such they should always make sure they avoid lovers who are emotional mess.

Cancer Ascendant Spouse

Capricorn Sign occupies the seventh house which is ruled by Saturn. As such spouse is likely to have atleast some traits associated with Capricorn and Saturn. Both Capricorn and Saturn are serious, career oriented and a bit boring for liking of Cancer natives. Spouse is often married to work and dislikes open display of affection. Marriage for spouse is about duties and obligations rather than love, romance and companionship. Spouse is generally reserved and maybe somewhat rigid. For spouse marriage is no fun and games but rather duties and obligations.

Bright side is spouse is serious about career and his/her responsibilities towards Cancer natives, children and family as whole. Cancer ascendants are less likely to find spouse who are jobless and directionless. Ofcourse most times emotional and care free Cancer natives find it tough to spend a lifetime with such boring and reserved personalities.

There is a possibility that first marriage is a painful experience. In case of major differences, physical abuse or constant taunts and jibes by spouse and in-laws its imperative that Cancer natives seek separation. Second marriage for Cancer natives is ruled by friendly Leo and Sun. As such there is a better chance of success in it. Ofcourse divorce should always be used as last option when all other options run out.

Avoiding Damaged Goods

Cancer is an emotional sign. One of the biggest drawback of Cancer Ascendant is falling for emotionally scarred personalities. This holds especially true for females. Cancer is ruled by kind and caring Moon who wants to heal and nurture a lover or spouse who is an emotional mess.

Cancer ascendants somehow always end up with lovers who are over bearing and insecure. And many times their choice of spouse is someone who is career oriented, regressive and dull personality. Ofcourse Cancer ascendants are often impulsive, moody and carefree which never goes down well with spouse or in-laws.

As such due care is advised when choosing spouse. Cancer natives should understand its not their duty to repair or heal damaged personalities of their spouse or lovers.

Just Rough Idea

A rough idea is possible about potential lovers and life partner by studying the ruling signs. Planets and aspects also have a say and above mentioned description may not fit the lovers and spouse.

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