Astro Isha

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Valentine's Approaching

Valentine's week is approaching and most single's maybe thinking of proposing to that special someone. Others who haven't found their valentine's maybe hoping to find someone with whom they can enjoy this special occassion. As explained earlier vedic calendar doesn't follow gregorian calendar rules and proposing on valentines is a bad idea unless one is absolutely sure of a positive answer.

Vasant Panchami in Valentine's Week

2024 has Vasanth Panchami coinciding with Valentine's week. Vasant Panchami is one of the most auspicious tithi in vedic calendar. Any important work started on this tithi can provide long term benefits. That is why Hindus purchase gold and ornaments on this tithi. Luckily for lovers Vasant Panchami coincides with 13th February or 14th February 2024 depending on geogrophical location. As such there is better chance of positive response if they do propose to their object of affection.

Proposing on Akshay Tritiya

Akshay Tritiya is the birth date of Goddess Laxmi. Akshay means immortal, indestructible and eternal. Hindus rush to buy gold and ornaments on Akshay Tritiya hoping that their wealth will never be destroyed. Astrologically speaking Akshay Tritiya is also the date when Sun and Moon are exalted in horoscope. And its not just in 2024 but every year. Since soul(Sun) and mind(Moon) are in elevated(exalted) position as such mind and soul are clear about choice of partner. Those who wish to spend their lifetime with someone are advised to propose on Akshay Tritiya. This should ensure lifetime of love, companionship and faithfulness.

Proposing in Rohini Nakshatra

According to vedic astrology chances of success in proposal are comparatively more when Moon transits via Rohini Nakshatra. Shri Krishna who is considered the epitome of love and charm was born with Moon in Rohini. Rohini is lorded by Moon and situated in sign of Venus(Taurus). Moon is the planet of emotions and Venus is the planet of romance and marriage. This is the best possible combination to propose to someone. Ideally one should propose when Venus+Moon are in Rohini but the impatient ones can wait for Moon to transit via Rohini which happens every month.

Seventh House and Marriage Proposals

Marriage proposals should ideally be sent when Venus, Jupiter or Rahu are influencing seventh house in Main Chart, Moon Chart or Navamsha Chart. That is cause Venus, Jupiter and Rahu's transits generally trigger marriage in horoscope. For Aries, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces ascendants its far more ideal to send marriage proposal when Venus or Rahu are aspecting marriage house cause they share friendly connection with seventh house lord. For Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius ascendants proposing when Jupiter influences seventh house is more ideal. There is also a chance for marriage in same year or year and half in case of Jupiter or Rahu's influence.

Proposal in Favorable Dasha

Vimshottari Dasha plays a huge role in deciding whether one gets success or failure in proposal. That is why its important to propose when dasha(period) and antardasha(subperiod) of Venus, Rahu, Jupiter or that of marriage lord, eleventh lord and second lord are running. That is cause seventh house defines marriage and marriage partner, eleventh house is the house of gains and second house is house of family. For those seeking romance and live in relationships dasha-antardasha of fifth lord becomes important.

Fate Rules Supreme

Sometimes horoscope may reject romance and marriage as prarabdha(fate) has decided against love, romance and marriage. As such even if you propose on most auspicious day, time, tithi, dasha and transit it will still not let you find love and marry. Normally its multiple bad influences on seventh house of marriage, twelfth house of physical intimacy, eleventh house of gains and second house of family which suggests such a scenario. You can check our software for chances of late marriage

In such cases one can only say fate rules supreme. There are times when we have to accept mandate of karma whether we like it or not. The older ones understand but younger lot get frustrated to accept this time proven fact.

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