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Gemini Ascendant

Gemini is a dual ascendant which has air element in abundance. Having Gemini ascendant makes an individual articulate and intelligent. Gemini gives a chatty, moody and an extrovert personality. Natives whether male or female are generally talkative, smart, funny and endowed with good general knowledge. On downside they have a bad habit to mock and criticise others especially spouse, family members and children.

Signs for Lovers and Spouse

Fifth house is the house of romance. While seventh house is the house of marriage. Fifth house for Gemini Ascendants has romantic and balanced Libra Sign. While seventh house has the spiritual, fiery and knowledgeable Sagittarius Sign. Below are the likely qualities that Gemini Ascendant are likely to find in lovers and spouse.

Gemini Ascendant Lovers

Libra is ruled by Venus. As such lovers can have Venusian qualities like being romantic, fashionable, passionate and aristocratic. Lovers make Geminian natives feel comfortable and loved which perhaps their spouse won't be able to do. Lovers may take them out on expensive movie and dinner dates as well as take them to singing concerts and art galleries. Lovers can be attractive and be epitome of beauty, charm and grace irrelevant of gender.

On downside lovers are balanced and practical. Lovers would always weigh their options before committing to natives. They would breakup if they feel relationship is not ideal for them in long run. Lovers can be spendthrift and don't know savings or money management. Natives should never expect their Libran lovers to take their side in case they are in wrong cause Librans would always side with what they deem is right.

Gemini Ascendant Spouse

Sagittarius Sign occupies the seventh house which is ruled by Jupiter. As such spouse is likely to have atleast some traits associated with Sagittarius or Jupiter. Sagittarius is a deeply spiritual and religious sign. Spouse would most likely be more knowledgable but still humble, be religious but still possess a scientific temparament, gives sound and sensible advise without judging you and is open to criticism but dislikes small talk and mockery of others. In most cases there is a good chance that spouse is the better half.

On downside spouse can be angry and will show Gemini natives their place when angered. Jupiter gives them a very good memory so they may forgive but rarely ever forget. They dislike constant taunts and jibes aimed at them especially if done in public. Spouse are likely to be more accomplished and more successful individuals and they would make sure to remind natives when angered. In rare cases they may resort to physical violence in case of getting angered by constant taunts and jibes.

Love Marriage Possible

There is a possibility of love marriage especially if there is association of Mercury or Venus with Jupiter. Gemini ascendants are talkative, flirty and extrovert. They can talk or mingle with just about anyone including total strangers. As such chances of falling in love remain high for them. In case of afflicted Venus there is a chance of being cheated and used in relationship. As such some precaution advised when seeking love marriage.

In case of arranged marriage it maybe a good idea to look for spouse who is a doctor, pharmacist, lecturer, teacher, spiritual guru, religious priest, counselor, life coach, diplomat, goverment employee or an adviser. Spouse can be wise, religious, mature and career oriented. Natives should look for qualities associated with Sagittarius or Jupiter like spirituality, wisdom, knowledge, humble attitude, good adviser, is optimistic and cheerful, has scientific temperament inspite of being religious and is open-minded and not judgemental.

Just Rough Idea

A rough idea is possible about potential lovers and life partner by studying the ruling signs. Planets and aspects also have a say and above mentioned description may not fit the lovers and spouse.

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