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Taurus Ascendant

     Taurus Ascendant is an aristocratic ascendant and has gracious feminine energy. Taurus ascendants are well cultured, good mannered and the epitome of grace and charm. Natives whether male or female are generally attractive, fair complexioned, well educated, have good demeanor, are tactful and diplomatic. Taurus ascendants have an affinity for rich and luxurious life and dislike fights and confontration.

Note: Natives born with Taurus Ascendant or Taurus Moon but in Kritikka Nakshatra have dark complexion but still retain the charm of Taurus Ascendant/Sign.

Signs for Lovers and Spouse

     Fifth house is the house of romance. While seventh house is the house of marriage. Fifth house for Taurus Ascendants has calculative and realistic Virgo Sign. While seventh house for Taurus Ascendant has the mysterious and resentful Scorpio Sign. Below are the likely qualities of lovers and marriage partners that Taurus Ascendant are likely to find in lovers and spouse.

Taurus Ascendant Lovers

     Virgo Sign rules the fifth house of romance for Taurus Ascendant. As such lovers would have some traits associated with Virgo Sign like realistic nature, overtly calculative and stingy personality as well as being quite competitive. For lovers the social prestige takes precedence over enjoying quality time with Taurus ascendant natives. Another bad quality of Virgo in fifth house is constant critique. Lovers often criticize the natives for small faults and mistakes.

     On the bright side lovers keep a check on emotional and spendthrift nature of Taurus ascendants. Taurus ascendants have many admirers but a lot of them are fake and opportunistic. Virgo lovers help them see through the fog of lies and deceit. Virgo lovers also help keep natives grounded.

Taurus Ascendant Spouse

     Scorpio Sign rules the seventh house of marriage for Taurus Ascendants. As such spouse is likely to have atleast some traits associated with Scorpio Sign. Scorpio spouse would never be able to show or tell how much and how deeply they love the Taurus ascendant natives. But their actions would speak much louder than words. Spouse would rush to help of Taurus ascendants as and when required. They would fight the world for Taurus Ascendant's well-being. Spouse's love is so deep they could probably resort to violence for sake of Taurus Ascendants.

     On downside spouse is insecure. Spouse may also hide a lot of things and keep secret from natives. Taurus natives generally have huge set of followers and admirers and it doesn't go well with Scorpion spouse. They refuse to give the personal space required in marriage. Spouse defined by Scorpio is also likely to spy and doubt the commitment of Taurus ascendant native whether a male of female.

     In rare case the Scorpio spouse is also known to be violent with natives. Scorpio spouse may love deeply but will not take cheating lightly. If the Scorpio spouse feels being cheated and used in relationship than they have enough animosity and vengance to make life of Taurus ascendant natives a living hell. In rare cases they may even endanger life of Taurus ascendant natives.

Arranged Marriage Preferable

     Taurus Ascendants are naturally attractive and alluring. As such they will have enough suitors who wish to spend life with them. Still Taurus ascendants are advised to go for arranged marriage where parents or friends do proper background check on future spouse. If Taurus ascendants wish to marry the lover than they are advised to know the good and bad sides of future spouse otherwise all hell will break lose after marriage.

     That's cause Taurus ascendants are likely to be attracted to flawed and insecure personalities. Love and lust maybe over the top in love marriage but slowly but surely the insecurities and vengeful nature of lover turned into spouse can become unbearable.

Just Rough Idea

     A rough idea is possible about potential lovers and life partner by studying the ruling signs. Planets and aspects also have a say and above mentioned description may not fit the lovers and spouse.

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